[(OBSOLETE See 1.1.10 or later) 1.1.8 10/11/16] Big Talker - Talk when events occur

RELEASE 1.1.8 10/11/16

  • I believe that I have squashed a couple of bugs that may have missed playback or caused playback that wasn’t desired for musicPlayer devices (Sonos, etc).
  • There is a new %description% token that you can use for a description of the event which occurred via device-specific text. Ex: %description% becomes ‘Front door is closed’ (Thanks for the idea STCommunity: adamoutler).
  • The %devicename% token now does error control to find the next best device name rather than crashing the app if the expected call fails. The calls try in the following order: evt.displayName, evt.device.displayName, and finally evt.device.name - One of these will return something; the order is to try to make sure it’s the user defined name. (Thanks STCommunity: adamoutler).
  • Changes default volume applied if in musicPlayer mode and musicPlayer device volume is less than 50% and a desired volume is not configured then device will bump up to 50% to speak and should return to the user configured volume on resume (was originally set to 75% if device was at 50 or below).

I will wait a few days, maybe a week or so before I fly the X on the 1.1.7 version’s icon to notify users in-app that an update is available. Please report any observed issues (hopefully none) here so I can keep track of them and hopefully resolve them: https://github.com/rayzurbock/SmartThings-BigTalker/issues

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