[OBSOLETE] Original & Aqara Xiaomi Zigbee Sensors (contact, temp, motion, button, outlet, leak, etc)

I’m hoping this is something that we can leverage, if so will largely negate my need of a hubitat?

@veeceeoh can you break it down for us mortals?

Local processing for some devices & smart apps is old news, and doesn’t apply to Xiaomi devices. Looking at the FAQ page:

“Certain” means “not all”.

From everything I’ve read, the list of possible “supported devices” will only include “Works with SmartThings” ZigBee or Z-Wave devices, and ZigBee or Z-Wave devices with Device Handlers found in the official SmartThingsPublic GitHub Repository. In other words, devices with community-supplied DTHs are not considered “supported devices”.

With many firmware updates since sometime in 2016, the list of local-execution capable devices has grown. For example, with the 21.12 v2 Hub Firmware update being released today, 9 more DTHs now have local execution support. Those DTHs are on the v2 hub’s pre-installed list of DTHs.

So unless there is a huge change in their policy with the upcoming platform update, Xiaomi devices will continue to run on cloud processing.

Also worth remembering is that the functionality of some Xiaomi devices is limited because SmartThings ZigBee API ignores certain Zigbee message data (specifically endpoint data). This issue affects the round “original” Xiaomi Button, Aqara Button model WXKG11LM, and the dual-button Aqara Smart Wall Switch (model WXKG02LM).

On the Hubitat Hub all Xiaomi device drivers’ code is executed locally, and all functions are available. But of course, some people are still having pairing / dropped connection / repeater issues with some Xiaomi devices, just like with SmartThings, so I can’t say they work perfectly with Hubitat, either.


cho hỏi đã fix được lỗi disconnect chưa thế? mình cũng dùng samsung connect home và cũng dính sau khoảng 1h là lỗi.

Mình cũng ko rõ vì cất xó cái connect home rồi :))

I lived in Hanoi for 9 years and know cất means “put away”. So did you stop using your Samsung Connect Home?

Yes, I bought a 2nd gen hub a few months ago and it’s been working really well, so I put my Connect home away :). Unless they decide to update its firmware, there’s no way for xiaomi devices to stay connect with it, I guess :frowning:

can you help me fix samsung connect home disconnect xiaomi sensor?

I’m sorry, but no, I can’t help. I don’t have a Connect Home.

Everytime I have a power/internet outage (which is not infrequent), all my Xiaomi sensors stop responding once the power is back. I have a huge mixture of smart devices and these are the only ones that do not reconnect (Keen Smart Vents have an issue with going into a ‘sleep mode’ that requires pushing the sync button to activate, but only after power being off for at least a day).

I can easily get the Xiaomi Aqara devices operable by pressing the button on them a few times, but I don’t always have access and it’s a becoming a pain. I can see any way to do this remotely within the IDE or the app.

Any ideas?

Here is the probable explanation:

There isn’t any way to “wake up” or get Xiaomi sensors to rejoin in SmartThings IDE or the mobile app because they are no longer on the Zigbee mesh network.

Xiaomi devices were designed to work a Xiaomi Gateway hub, not SmartThings, so unfortunately they don’t always behave like other Zigbee HA (home automation) devices.

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Hi I’m using @ArstenA 's Xiaomi Temperature Humidity Sensor DTH version 1.1 from his Github repo with the (round) temp/humidity sensor seen below, I just can’t seem to get battery info to show?

EDIT Battery reading has now shown up - just needed to wait longer!!

I’ve managed to get it paired without issues where it appeared in the app as a ‘thing’ that I renamed and added the above DTH. I switched off my Samsung Smart Outlet during this process to avoid the zigbee repeater issues, and held down the button for 10 seconds before I started the pairing process, but still no battery reading…

Is it to do with the DTH that I’m using? Should I try the ‘Aqara’ temp/humidity DTH instead?

Many thanks for your help :slight_smile:


strange coincidence I have spent quite a bit of time in Vietnam myself (not 9 years)
mostly in the south Ho Chi Minh (wife’s Vietnamese). Would like to retire there someday. A lot warmer there than north of the wall (Canada)

I spent a year there a few clicks south of Hue, in Phu Bai. It is a beautiful country, and wonderful people. It was a shame I was there in war time.

Just installed a Xioami Aqara Smart Cylinder Core. Is it the right thread ?

This is a new product and there is no SmartThings device handler for it.

As you discovered, the battery percentage isn’t shown immediately when a Xiaomi device is paired.

This is completely normal, because the SmartThings hub doesn’t catch the very first battery voltage report message during the pairing process. After that first message, the battery voltage is only reported when the device sends a regular “check in” message to the hub,

For “original” Xiaomi devices the first check in message is sent 60 minutes after pairing (and every 60 minutes after that), and for Aqara devices, it is sent 50 minutes after pairing (and every 50 minutes after that).

@veeceeoh - you’re a legend!

Now that’s out the way. I tend to pop in and out of this thread over time, and I’ve just been through about 250 posts. Cracking work you’ve been doing.

One bit of feedback if I may. It’s very hard to spot your Update posts in amongst the noise. It would be great if you can use post 1 has a pseudo change log, so that an infrequent user can just check up on post 1 to get the latest on all your hard work.

Thanks again, and looking forward to reading you knock down yet more challenges in getting these great little cheap devices perfectly supported.

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Thanks, but let’s give credit where credit is due. @ArstenA started and hosted the updated set of Xiaomi device handlers and did a lot of work to improve them. Major contributions have been made by @tmleafs, @AlecM, @foz333, @GnoStiC, & @ronvandegraff, and then loads of input and testing by numerous others on this thread. And of course all the work done by @a4refillpad and many others before @ArstenA started working on them. So these are truly community-created device handlers!

I wish I could help here, but since @ArstenA started this thread, I can’t make any edits to the opening post. I suppose I could start a new thread, but that would seem redundant to this thread. Maybe a most recent change log could be maintained on GitHub with a link given in the top post…

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Guys, thanks for the excellent work!
Just received a Motion sensor, Door/Window Sensor and Zigbee Outlet.
After DH published, DWS and MS was automatically detected and paired in the first attempt. Outlet was identified as a thing and i had to manually edit the device to the right DH in IDE. After that all devices are working until now.

I recently re-paired a few devices (aqara window sensors and motion sensors) making sure to leave all ZB repeaters off, but their intended locations are quite far from the hub. Some have stayed, some have dropped. Looking at this, should I maybe have waited ~50 mins for a battery checkin first? Would that have helped, or does the ‘sleepiness’ of these devices simply mean they’re not going to work reliably over repeaters even after sucessful pairing?