So yea you should be seeing held events every 100ms. I would go back and look at the output in node and see if that yields any details. If there is an issue it is likely on that end. It is possible I broke something with all the updates I was doing last week. Again I cannot test it myself right now, but when I get back I will look into it more. Give me a few more days and I will be home. Sorry it doesn’t seem to be working, but I will get it fixed.
No worries just let me know when you are back thanks…
In the meantime when I look at the node output this is what I see.
When button 1 is pushed:
Received: ~DEVICE,4,2,3
Found a button map for this device
{ ‘4’: true, ‘5’: true, device: ‘4’ }
Button is false
Received: ~DEVICE,4,2,4
button was released
Found a button map for this device
{ ‘4’: true, ‘5’: true, device: ‘4’ }
Button is false
button was released
Button 4 is held and then released
Received: ~DEVICE,4,5,3
Found a button map for this device
{ ‘4’: true, ‘5’: true, device: ‘4’ }
Button is true
ramp hold
timer ran
interval ran
in send
interval ran
in send
interval ran
in send
interval ran
in send
interval ran
in send
Received: ~DEVICE,4,5,4
button was released
Found a button map for this device
{ ‘4’: true, ‘5’: true, device: ‘4’ }
Button is true
ramp hold
button was released
in send
Let me know when you are able to look at this cheers.
Thanks for that log. So as you can see it is responding differently with the button that is supposed to be ramping rather than just held and everytime it says “in send” it should have sent the ‘held’ event to ST. So if it isn’t at least I know where to look. I changed many things so I might have broken that along the way. I will get it fixed. Thanks again!
No problem, let me know if there is any thing you would like me to test when you have a chance to look at it.
I should hopefully be home tomorrow or Monday and I will get to work on it. I will let you know when I publish the update. Thanks!
I am having a bit of troubles. I have added the get hub and published the parent and child but I can’t see anything when I go on to my smart app on my phone. Any idea why?
I have a Lutron Caseta SmartBridge 2 (model # L-BDG2) and I’m wondering if I have to buy the “Pro” version of the hub. I got everything set up on my raspberry pi and I created a piston in WebCoRE to control a window blind that smartthings sees as a dimmable light. The virtual version of my Pico switch which is in my SmartThings Devices (after discovery) opens and closes the window just fine so I know my piston is set up correctly but for some reason the actual physical Pico remote does nothing. Can you point me in the right direction? I have no problem buying the Pro version of the SmartBridge if thats what it takes. Thanks for all this great work by the way! Cheers.
@njschwartz did you happen get a chance to look into this yet?
I’m a newb myself with this marvelous piece of work, but I can tell you that, yes, you will need the Lutron SmartBridge PRO version in order to connect the physical Pico switches back to SmartThings Hub. The standard hub just doesn’t provide the Pico data externally.
btw, something I just tried that might be of general interest: you can apparently use the alphanumeric host names for the Lutron SmartBridge and SmartThings SmartHub instead of the numeric IP address, in the same text fields in the runNodeServer.js file. E.g. ‘lutron-01f02xxx’ and ‘st-24FD5B0000012xxx’ in my case.
The names are visible in my router’s DHCP status page; your mileage may vary. Seems like this provides a little insulation against extra dinking around when/if the bridge/hub’s IP address changes in the local DHCP system.
also btw, a question: am I right that any change in the Lutron setup (new devices, name changes, etc.) will only be discovered by stopping and re-starting the node app? And is THAT sufficient for the SmartApp end to recognize those changes, or does the whole SmartApp setup need to be torn down and rebuilt at that end?
@BHO you may still have to click on Add a Device under things and allow it to rediscover the new devices but I think that’s all you’d have to do after resetting the server.
By the way, are there any big box store selling the Caseta PRO hub or is it pretty much just Amazon and the www? Thanks for the help.
tx, will try that going forward. fwiw, I picked up my Lutron Caseta Pro bridge on eBay; they pop up there from time to time. I haven’t seen them in b&m retail, myself, just the unPro.
Hey @Buzzshot, I just saw your other post. This is the right one. Did you get the node server installed and running? What are you trying to run it on? I am happy to walk you through the process to get this going.
@BHO @jacobwtyler Hey guys thanks for checking this out and sorry for the long downtime, I have been gone for work so have not been able to work on this much. Anwyay as @BHO said, you don’t necessarily NEED the pro hub, but you don’t get control of the Picos without it. So it depends on what you are trying to do.
To the question about changes in the Lutron setup, you should not need to do anything on the node side (unless you changed any of the settings in the runProServer.js file). Just go back into the setup in ST and it should detect any changes you have made i.e. new switches. Name changes, I have to be honest, I am not certain about and it is something I would have to test. It will detect the name change, but it might not update the ST device with that name currently. You can rename the devices in ST, there is no requirement that they match what you put in the Lutron app actually. The devices aren’t connected by their names in anyway, just by their ID’s that allows the app to actually control them. Hope that makes sense.
Lastly, I have never seen the pro hub in any store. I got mine off Amazon. You might be able to find a local dealer who will sell you one perhaps, but I am not sure on that. Thanks again guys!
Hey @huydnguyen I am ready to try to fix that issue as well. I just glanced at the code and I saw the issue pretty quickly. I made an update to the node server to hopefully fix it. Do an npm update lutronpro and then try it again. Basically as you saw I failed to update the code to send the messages if button was set to true for ramping. My bad. I think it is fixed though so let me know!
A useful addition to some future version might be a way to restart the node app remotely from the SmartThings smart app, so as to pick up (‘discover’) changes to the Lutron bridge devices (additions, removals) without having to tinker with the node platform (RPi or whatever). A button on the PI/Caseta device, I suppose? And a whole lotta connecting code, no doubt
So for changes to the Lutron devices (additions I would assume is the primary change that will be made) you don’t have to restart the node server. You just have to rerun the smartapp setup and it will get them right away. The ONLY changes that will require a restart are those you might make to the runProServer.js file i.e. an IP address change, a change to Pico mappings or times etc. If you remove a device from Lutron app for some reason it will not automatically be removed from ST you will need to delete it manually in that case. Name changes in the Lutron app will also not be updated automatically, for that I would just recommend changing the name in ST manually as it won’t break anything. Hope that makes sense.
Edit: And just to be clear I mean rerun the SmartApp under the automations tabs (i.e. your already installed smartapps), not rerun it completely from the marketplace tab.
Oh, ok @njschwartz - tx, I will tinker some more with picking up changes, as you noted should already work. I didn’t seem to be seeing them on my earlier attempts, but I may know a little bit more about what to look for now.
Hmmm…so I have to apologize you are correct, mostly because I fail. lol So what I said SHOULD have been the case, but going back to the code I realize that I changed some things that broke it. When Lutron changed their stuff I tried to work quickly to get this working again before I went underway and my changes broke some things. In the past whenever you ran the smartapp setup it requested the device lists at that time and then sent them over. In the latest version it is doing it on server start and that is it. I did this because I am hoping to eventually refactor things to work with multiple bridges to overcome the 50 device limit of each bridge. Long story short, it is fixable and should be rather easy. I will get it taken care of ASAP…in the meantime however, you are correct that to get changes detected by ST you need to restart the node server. Sorry about that!
Not rushing you! This thing is an astonishing piece of work just as it is - thanks!
btw @njschwartz if you’re keeping score on platforms, I’ve got this working great on a Raspberry Pi Zero under Raspbian with node v9.1.0