[OBSOLETE] Lightwave RF Integration (UK)

Thanks Dave

You helped me solve the problem! Ironically my lwrf box was downstairs and I was sending the register command from upstairs. Every time I sent the command it was clearing by the time I got to the hub, DOH.

Now working perfectly, just need to add the 16 devices I have now!

Glad to have helped. I had the same run downstairs to get to the LWRF box in time for registration to succeed!

I have noticed that sometimes the Pi sends what appears to be a continuous stream of duplicate messages instructing a device to turn Off - but not sure whether this is a result of the current platform instability. This morning it is not working well (very intermittent) but last night was absolutely fine. :confounded:

God luck. Let me know if you add any other great LWRF capabilities.

So far all commands are working perfectly. There is still a little delay but considering it has to go through 3 hubs I’m not surprised.

I’m going to remove all the LWRF sensors and replace them with Zwave ones but still keep the light switches as they work fine and I can live without status reporting.

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Thank you very much for this!

Have you managed to add dimmer compatability to this or put the .groovy in your github?


@davew44, @Rik_Taylor - Sorry was away on holiday, glad to see it’s working for you.

@Lewis_M - If you are using the RaspberryPI integration, the the dimmer code is in the repository. Didn’t end up doing it for the original code as was superseded by the RaspberryPi integration.


Hi Adam,

Thanks for the fast response. I will get the code from the repo now. It should be fine if I run nodeJS on a Debian VM?


Hey @Lewis_M,

Might be an issue as ports will probably not be forwarded and will be un accessible to the smart things hub. Best bet is to run it natively on the machine. You can run node js apps natively on pretty much every OS.


Okay I will try it in a sec. Is there a cloud version for it e.g. use my LightwaveRF email and pin instead of running NodeJS?


Hi @adamclark_dev. Hi all,

Anyone’s routines stopped working for lwrf items since the firmware update ?

Manual operation is rock solid, but running routines eg good night will only turn off my Zwave and zig bee devices, the app shows all the lwrf devices have been turned off and notifications says this based on what was on, but all my lights remain on.

So question is, anyone else having the same issue ?

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I also seem to have an issue with commands being processed through Smartthings now
e.g. turn switch on does nothing. I then switch on via Lightwaverf app , go back to SmartThings and the switch now works again. I go out of SmartThings and then back in again and the switch doesn’t work anymore , or is very laggy.
This behaviour doesn’t seem consistent though , just tried again and all working as normal. Could the lag be due to the varying load on the SmartThings servers ?

@adamclark_dev have you noticed any issues?

I’m using Adam’s code on a Pi. Generally things seem OK (about 5 lights) but now you mention it my bedside socket did not switch on this morning post-update last night. I’ll see what tomorrow brings.

@CraigJohn, @davew44, @Tim_Raynor - Have noticed some issues with things not coming on as quickly as they should / not coming on.

American load shouldn’t effect us too much, due to being on a different shard.

Guessing if anything it is going to be a greater issue, as nothing has changed with the PI code. Will be interesting to see if stuff starts to pop up in the rest of the forums regarding lost and slow local commands (or whether it just gets fixed).

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There was a recent hub update, seems more than likely that will have been the issue - it did mentioned lan proccessing - maybe worth investigating @adamclark_dev

Hi, @adamclark_dev , @Tim_Raynor , @davew44 , @AutomateEverything

Just want to double check who is having what issues.

Mine is not delay time, nor does it seem to be missing a beat “Not triggering an On/Off” (SO FAR)

I seem to be purely having an issue with my Routines.

I can turn all my lights and sockets on (excluding beside plugs) and run Good Night and none of my LWRF devices turn off. Only my ZWave Lights and couple of Zigbee plugs do what they are meant to.

Strange :confused:

My issue is sporadic operation of Lightwaverf devices. Sometimes they operate , sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they operate with a significant lag
 all running on a Raspberry pi and the issue is only since the latest SmartThings update on Monday.

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My stuff behaved today. Others still with issues ?

@adamclark_dev - is it possible to add a date/timestamp to your on-screen logging on the Pi as each instruction is executed?

Just my routines, so far I seem to have had zero issues with major delays or missing requests.

Doesn’t make any sense lol
 I rebooted absolutely everything today just to double check and for self reassurance, but still the same. Trying to remember to turn everything off manually at the moment LOL.

Hi @adamclark_dev

So I started checking out the logs, and run some on / off commands, all pretty instant, no missed commands and works as expected, Pretty much straight after it appears on the screen, lights were doing their thing. See log below.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ tail -f /var/log/lwrf.log
On request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 004,!R3D2F1|
On request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 005,!R1D6F1|
Off request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 006,!R1D6F0|
On request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 007,!R1D6F1|
Off request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 008,!R1D6F0|
On request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 009,!R3D1F1|
Off request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 010,!R3D1F0|
Off request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 011,!R3D2F0|
On request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 012,!R3D2F1|
On request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 013,!R3D2FdP25|
On request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 014,!R5D1F1|
On request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 015,!R5D1F1|
On request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 016,!R5D1F1|
On request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 017,!R5D1F1|
On request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 018,!R5D1F1|

Now here is where it gets interesting, and having very little coding experience, I’m not sure what to make of it.
So I turned a few lights and made sure the bedside power was off and run “Good Night” and this is what happens in the log.

On request received
On request received
On request received
Off request received
Off request received
Off request received
Off request received
Off request received
Off request received
Off request received
Off request received
Off request received
Attempt 1 - Sending message: 019,!R1D3F1|
Off request received
    if(this.queue.length > 10) this.queue.clear();

TypeError: this.queue.clear is not a function
    at LightwaveRF.exec (/var/www/lwrf.js:181:43)
    at LightwaveRF.turnDeviceOff (/var/www/lwrf.js:106:10)
    at Object.exports.lwrfToggle (/var/www/helpers.js:28:8)
    at null.<anonymous> (/var/www/server.js:12:10)
    at process (/var/www/handler.js:8:19)
    at Server.<anonymous> (/var/www/server.js:22:10)
    at emitTwo (events.js:88:13)
    at Server.emit (events.js:173:7)
    at HTTPParser.parserOnIncoming [as onIncoming] (_http_server.js:529:12)
    at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (_http_common.js:89:23)
error: Forever detected script exited with code: 1
error: Script restart attempt #2
Server running
Receiver socket listening

Any clues, is this something to do with the update or just coincidence / bad timing, as from what I see I’m the only one that is having issues with Routines, as other who have mentioned it seem to be having more of an issue with lag or inconsistency etc.

Anyway hope this helps shed some light on what ever seems to be going on.

All the best, Craig

yes still having the issue with being able to turn on lights and then they won’t switch off. Strangely the only thing that seems to be working properly are my routines , all firing exactly when they should.

and the plot thickens lol