[OBSOLETE] Integration with HoneyWell TotalConnect Alarm & Monitoring System

Thanks @dhowe52. That’s exactly what I had started to do. I’ve got some more work on it (when I can get people out of the house and actually set the alarm in the different modes). I’ll try to commit something early next week.

I posted an update here with tiles added.

The few things I can’t figure out that I’m sure someone here knows how to resolve:

  1. how to get the main display (where all your “things” are) to refresh to get any status change. Does pulling down on the things display not do refresh commands to all “things”?
  2. on the details page for this device, how could I make it so that if something is armed, the other tile doesn’t show you the option to arm (maybe grey it out). Perhaps that’s what you’re talking about with the multi-state tiles…
  3. When I click the “Arm Stay” or “Arm Away” tile, it swaps quickly to that state, then it goes back to disarmed (even though it’s in the process of arming). If I refresh in a few seconds (after it arms), the tiles are correct. Is there a way to pause the swap of state or auto-refresh the details page without a smart app?

@brianwilson, yep using the multiAttributeTile you can have it set the current state like you wanted.

if we use the example given in the SmartThings documentation you can see that we can have it change “state” and color if we wanted, which would be useful. If we set this as the primary_control then you should get the effect you are looking for. You could then modify the code to grey out whatever state the alarm.status is currently set to.


multiAttributeTile(name:“status”, type: “generic”, width: 6, height: 4){
tileAttribute (“device.status”, key: “PRIMARY_CONTROL”) {
attributeState “open”, label:’${name}’, icon:“st.contact.contact.open”, backgroundColor:"#ffa81e"
attributeState “closed”, label:’${name}’, icon:“st.contact.contact.closed”, backgroundColor:"#79b821"
attributeState “garage-open”, label:‘Open’, icon:“st.doors.garage.garage-open”, backgroundColor:"#ffa81e"
attributeState “garage-closed”, label:‘Closed’, icon:“st.doors.garage.garage-closed”, backgroundColor:"#79b821"

What am I missing here?

I’ve created a new user in my TC2.0 and gave that user full admin/panal/app access.

In the Application ID, I’m using the 14588

Application Version I have 3.6.3 (correct?)

When I hit ‘Next’ I’m getting the text message on my phone that my ST created user has logged in, however, when I hit ‘+’ to Select the Location, I get “No Available Options”

Where am I going wrong?

@Daniel1 There are two things being worked on here. A SmartApp (which was the original project by @mhatrey) and then a Device Type which @brianwilson has been working on to allow us to take what @mhatrey started and allow us to use other Apps to take action on the Total Connect “Device”. If you are referring to the latest threads from @brianwilson make sure that you have read the readme notes in Github and that you have created this as a Device Type and not a SmartApp. This is still a work in progress though so it is not going to have that “polished” look you may be looking for. You may see some quirkiness going on. Please let us know when you do and we will try to see if we can help you. Do keep in mind that this is a community and many of us are doing this after hours on our spare time.

@brianwilson for the refresh issue you are running into an issue with the fact that this is essentially an API integration and as such the “Device” doesn’t have a polling function. You might be able to overcome this though using something like Pollster. I might try to pull that down this week and play with it to see if it works well with the Total Connect Device.

Also, I forked your repo and may play with it a little this week in case you can’t to see if I can get the multiAttributeTile working. No promises though as I’m on Vacation and the wife gets touchy if I’m “working” when we are on Vaca. :smile:

Have any of you had any luck getting zone info? I have tried every function in the list https://rs.alarmnet.com/TC21api/tc2.asmx that looks like it should return zone info and seem to always get the same error groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: Internal Server Error @ line xxx

def getZonesListInState = [
uri: “https://rs.alarmnet.com/TC21API/TC2.asmx/GetZonesListInState”,
body: [ SessionID: token, LocationID: locationID, PartitionID: 1, ListIdentifierID: 1]
httpPost(getZonesListInState) { responseZonesListInState ->
log.debug responseZonesListInState.data

@fordcrews check out my post above. getPanelMetaDataAndFullStatus contains Zone info; we just need to know how to extract the data out in the function where this is getting called.

@brianwilson is there a reason you defined two “Executing Disarm” attributes?

No reason other than to have on/off lock/unlock combos.

I am stuck at the same location as well. No answers yet.

I created the device type and has two buttons that have disarmed as text with each button having a different graphic. I am taking this device type is just doing the disarm, arm stay and arm away and nothing more or is the goal to get the different zone statuses?

@zuperman4ever The goal is to eventually get expand this to add zone capabilities however we are first working through getting the main layout and functionality working correctly in the Device. The initial goal is to create a device that will allow you to execute “arm away”, “arm stay” & “disarm” that can be called by other SmartApps so that you can take action on your Total Connect device. This is especially useful as it will allow you to connect these up to your Security features in SmartThings. Meaning if you set SmartThings to “Arm(Away)” then your Total Connect device will also be set to “Arm Away”. This will in a sense integrate the two security platforms together. Once this is accomplished reliably there has also been talk of trying to bring in Zones as dynamically built tiles to allow you to control Zones setup in Total Connect from the SmartThings Platform.

@brianwilson & @mhatrey have been doing most of the work on this. I’m just now starting to get involved as this is a big interest to me to integrate the two together.

I would like to see the end state be that we can also create a SmartApp that allows us to send events over to Total Connect so that when my SmartThings controlled open/close device is opened while in “Arm(Away)” it sends over an alert triggering my Total Connect to issue an alert as well. Thus truly integrating my two systems together. That being said that goal is probably pretty far off right now and I’ll be happy with just getting the Device created and working efficiently.

@Marios_Kimonos, Did you create the Device Type or the SmartApp?

I created a SmartApp

I created a smart app. I am using this Yogesh code:
name: “TotalConnect v0.3.1”,
namespace: “Security”,
author: “Yogesh Mhatre”,
description: “Total Connect App to lock/unlock your home based on your location and mode”,
category: “My Apps”,
iconUrl: “https://s3.amazonaws.com/yogi/TotalConnect/150.png”,
iconX2Url: “https://s3.amazonaws.com/yogi/TotalConnect/300.png”)

You might want to look at what @brianwilson has been doing and instead install the device type. Don’t forget to read the instructions on github for what needs to be done to configure it.

Ok so i followed @brianwilson code and i have a device. it shows the current state of the alarm and it does show the recent changes. So I am guessing we don’t have the functionality to arm and dissarm yet based on the comments

I tried dumping the zones from that, and it looked NULL to me, so I was trying all the other functions that looked like they might return them, but on them I get the server error error.

I’ve done the “Tester” in smartapps and the other in devices.

The tester will not show me my locations, and on the device it won’t allow me to make changes or show me the current status. I am getting text messages from my TC panel that my ST device and/or smartapp is logging into my system.