First, thanks for all the positive feedback! Makes me glad I can help out fellow home automation folks.
Second, if you haven’t seen the email or thread, SmartThings is apparently removing the Contact Book feature on the app:
While BI Fusion was already able to work without that, I just posted a new version (just for the BI Fusion app itself) that expands your options just a bit. Once Contact Book is gone, you’ll need to go into BI Fusion settings to update your push/SMS options. Unfortunately, if you want a push message it’ll go to everyone tied to your hub (not a very good spouse approval factor option), so I expanded the SMS option to include multiple phone numbers. So you can target your notifications when using SMS, and can send to more than just one number.
You’ll notice the phone entry doesn’t auto-format to the pretty “1 (123) 456-7890” but instead will just be “1234567890.” That is just how it’ll look because I changed the input type to a string so you can enter multiple numbers. If you want more than one, it’ll look like “12345678900;12345678909;12345678990”
Let me know if you have any issues.