[OBSOLETE: [BETA MILESTONE 2] CoRE (Community's own Rules Engine)

CoRE is now in RELEASE CANDIDATE state. Can someone please close this thread, new thread is here.

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removed post


Will you close this please?

I want the last word. Word.


can’t resist


Thread Closed.

You’re welcome.

But but

Wait, what’s going on? Did I miss out?

I certainly hope this posting gets posted when I get done typing and click on the reply button down below.

If a thread is closed while no one is watching, is it actually closed? Word.

What if I told you
 there is no thread?

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Folks, the thread is closed.

You are all in violation.

Ooooops! I did it again!

Seriously, I feel like I missed something
what was it? Where’d I put it? Who’s not what they say they are? Why am I shrinking? 42!!!

I like ducks

Rubber chickens are better.

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