oAuth Issues all cloud to cloud integrations broken (02/05/16)

@mckenph @Mats_Bengtsson i think what @slagle meant by that was don’t uninstall. as once they have it fixed it should be a case of simply re-authorising. he wasnt saying its now fixed.

as for me its too late as ive uninstalled, as i was trying to get a handle on the issue, but its not a bother as i had very little set up as i had already just started from scratch this morning. so at least i can be a guinea pig for new installs.

@slagle i take it what you meant by [quote=“slagle, post:54, topic:46936”]
This happened an a “scale-up”.

is that you had an automated method to provision more resources when the load dictated, but this provisioning failed?

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