Next Developer Call will be on 02/25/15

Thank you all for joining me this week. Remember, as I invite you for the next one, feel free to integrate your questions on there. The earlier the better : That way I can call in the right engineers for each one, and ensure they’re there to answer your questions + your feedback.

I’ll let you know, I’ve been publicizing this internally, making more of our team join us to gather the feedback that you have for them…in addition to what you already provide in the forums here.

Thanks again for all your participation, dedication, and dealing with my constant obsession with children and animals.

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Hey @April, can you create a new forum badge for those of us that have successfully created and debugged apps over a couple hundred lines in the IDE?, and are still alive to tell the tale?


I want one for finding/reporting a bug in the IDE, too!

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Are you looking for something different than the SmartApp Code Slinger badge?

Yea, more like I survived incessant lost debug sessions, constantly having to re-login and maybe the debug console links, if the app ever compiles…, not to mention lost saves…

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I can’t believe that @tgauchat missed that great conversation on capability and device type inheritance. With no one to champion the cause, it didn’t go far.

(I’m kidding, Terry)


…waiting for @April to post the 3/10 announcement so I can start spamming it posting things I’d like to discuss…

I’m waiting on access for the previous video. However, I’ll start a new post so we can start the discussion right away.


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