New version of Ecobee thermostat APIs

Hello @rey_rios, for your use case, just grab the ecobeeSetFanMinOnTime’s code at github under

P.S. You need to instantiate (rename) the smartapp for each comfort schedule (or program), so there will be ecobeeSetFanMinTimeAway, ecobeeSetFanMinTimeHome, ecobeesetFanMinTimeAwake, etc…

For each comfort schedule, you can then set a minimum Fan time per hour (in minutes) in the smartapp.

Let me know if it works for you.


I am having trouble getting started with your myecobee integration. I am sure it is my error but when I click on the link it tells me “Sorry, you’re not authorized to view this page.”

any help to get me past this is appreciated. Thanks for your time.

Hello @WP1101, did you register as a SmartThings developer? If not, go to

And register.

After you have a developer ID, then you can follow the steps at


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Everything works fine now! I’m new to smarthings so the help is appreciated and a donation is on the way to you. Keep up the good work. On a side note If you ever have time to figure out a way to get Pentair smartlogic for my pool to work with smarthings I would make a nice donation for your efforts.

Take care.

Works great…

is there an option to monitor the ecobee remote sensors as well ?


Hello @BatraD, please follow the instructions that I posted at the end of this thread.


Hi @yvesracine

I installed today from these instructions…

when i try to install the Remote Smart App device-type.myecobee / smartapps / ecobeeRemoteSensorsInit.groovy

it keeps giving me an error on my phone during the config on the Notifications page and finally crashes ST


Hello @BatraD,

Do you run the smartapp on iOS or Android?

Please make sure to clear your cache and follow the step-by-step instructions below:

  1. You need to update My ecobee Device type. Grab the latest code at

Make sure to Save and publish.

  1. Flush your cache as the old device is still cached by the OS.

On Android, you’d need to go to settings/apps/smartthings and clear cache.

On iOS, you’d need to uninstall the smartThings app and reinstall it.

  1. Execute ecobee3RemoteSensorInit smartapp

I’d recommend to activate the live logging and get more tracing
in the IDE by following these steps:

a) Go to
b) Click on My Ecobee device
c) Edit the preferences (middle of the page)
d) Set verboseTrace to true (as long as there is a value)
e) Click Save at the bottom of the page
f) Go to

And then, Run ecobee3RemoteSensorInit on your smartphone/tablet

If any, please PM your errors in the logs by filtering them in the screen by clicking on the ecobee3RemoteSensorInit smartapp or My Ecobee device in the section above.


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I’m running the app on iOS/iPhone

Think i see the problem

in the main app, i have only one Thermostat, my new one

In the Remote App, i see 2 of my old Thermostats that i have removed from the ecobee website and not the new one, not sure why ?

@BatraD, well, you can delete your old devices by clicking on them under

And, provided that there is no smartapps that use them, you can delete them by clicking
on the ‘detete’ button at the bottom.

The ecobee3RemoteSensorInit works only with ecobee3 thermostats. It will show you
all your ecobee thermostats under ST, and you need to select the ecobee3 for which you
want to expose your remote sensors.

Bye for now.

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I only see one Ecobee device under device/lsi, which is the new Thermostat…

@BatraD, do you have any errors in the logs?

I’m sorry but It’s difficult for me to help you remotely without any trace.

So, I’d recommend to delete the ecobee3RemoteSensorInit smartapp and re-create it from scratch.

And, PM me the logs after the smartapp’s execution.

P.S. The smartapp is supposed to show you all your current thermostats (ecobee and not ecobee). You then
select the ecobee3 thermostat whose remote sensors you want to expose.


I will try and run a trace on monday and get back to you… .thanks for your help

I’ve installed the “ecobeeControlPlug”, but I cannot get it to control my ecobee smartplug. I belive the SmartApp is not sending the congtrolPlug params in the correct order/format. Do you know how it should look? The SmartApp code itself was throwing some errors and after a bit of tinkering I get the errors to go away, but the plug does not go on/off/resume. In my “MyEcobee” events, I get this:

“controlPlug(Dehumidifier, off, indefinite) command was sent to MyEcobee”

Any help/insight anyone has is greatly appreciated.

@tomagoes, you’re the first one to test that feature (as I don’t own a smartPlug myself and very
few ST/ecobee users do).

I’ve sent you detailed steps about how to correct this issue.

Let me know how it goes.

Hi yvesracine,
I’ve try to use your WindowOrDoorOpen app. Would you adapt the app to use with more than one open/close sensor?
Thanks a lot for all your hard work!

Hi @murzik

Sorry, my development time is limited and the smartapp’s design is not suitable for many contact sensors.

I use the smartapp every day, and it works fine… Please read the input parameters carefully.
