New design interface for smartthings (diy gui) all platforms

Cool! Thanks for the feedback. Glad to hear it works with IFTTT & Maker as well.

UPnP is still in development but it’s very close to being wrapped up. If all goes as planned I will probably begin rolling out the update sometime next week.

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Not sure why but the auto generate only shows one item? I have 23 things…

Is this only an issue with auto generate?
Does the variable dialog also only show you one device in the drop down?

Not 100% sure what you mean? Here is a picture. The Arrow on the left just is what happen when I did the auto generate.
Just made the same device with a 1

Yes, that dialog. Looks like there is only 1 device on there too. What other types of devices do you have?
Can you double click the SmartThings device source, click the search button, then take a screenshot of the authorization screen so I can see what other types of devices you’ve authorized?

As you can see for my hub I’ve only authorized a switch/dimmer.

Seems snagit is having a issue getting the entire page. Here is half…

I just re-added the hub and only selected to lights(Switches) but the same thing happen. I am betting everything is selected.

… Yup. Unselecting everything did not take the “Save”. ill try removing items in the app…

… looks like items selected in the mobile app (Smartthings app) are showing the correct items selected… huummm

I think others have experienced this same sort of issue. My recommendation would be to maybe use the SmartThings app to select which devices you want to give access to. And maybe add them in small groups like Ron did. Give access to say all of your batteries, then go back to the Home Remote Designer & open that dialog to see what devices show up. That dialog grabs all available devices when it first opens & there is no way to refresh it. So just close & reopen the dialog during this process. Keep doing that until you get everything you want. There is also some suspicion that there may be a device type that the app doesn’t like. So if you get to the point when you have most of your devices available in the Designer & then they start to disappear, take note of the last device you selected. I know this sounds like kind of a pain but I’m not really sure exactly what is causing this.

Strange. it doesn’t seem to matter what I add. It always pulls in the frontDoor.Acceleration
removing everything still results in this… HUMM…

When you said this…

Which matches?

  1. SmartThings App & Web Authorization screen in the Home Remote Designer

  2. or SmartThings App & the device drop down on SmartThings Variable Dialog in the Home Remote Designer

I got fixed. I went and re-added the “Smartapp” and started with one item. That item did show and I can control it. Added a second item and it did show.
Thanks for the quick reply’s. Remind me of when im at work (I have a winform that people use and seems like the issues never stop)

Have a great night… or day… guess it matter what part of the world your in. :smile:

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I noticed that sometimes when I am working on a project and the Designer crashes then my project becomes corrupt. I usually have to dig through my email to find one I email myself and re-start from there. Is this a known bug? is there any auto backup files I can go to instead?

There currently isn’t a nice integrated auto backup feature. However it may be possible to recover some of your work. The unzipped version of your project is stored in your PC’s temp directory which is likely “C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\Local\Temp”. Every time you navigate to a different page within the designer the previous page you were working on is saved to that directory. If it crashes you could recover some of your changes by finding the latest folder in there, zip it, & then rename the extension to hrp.

Whenever the program crashes that should not corrupt your local version of the hrp file. I think that is a different issue. I myself have never seen a project file become corrupt. If this happens please email me that file if you are comfortable sharing it with me.

So here is what just happen

  1. Hit the “save” button and got “The Designer stopped responding”
  2. Went to open the file back up. Error popped up “You do not have permissions” or something down those lines.
  3. Went to email the file to you but when I went to attach the file I got the same error…?..? So I rebooted the PC
  4. Went to open the file with the designer. “File does not exist”…?
  5. Went to the location of the file and sure enough. it is missing. Not in the trash either…
    My mobile build file is still there but not my tablet built…

OK, if it crashed during the save process that’d explain the corruption. Is this reproducible?

No, it is random…

I am interested in this, however have been unable to get devices to show up after linking it to SmarthThings Hub.

Justin, this is a problem that a lot of users are running into. I myself don’t have a definite fix or reason to why this is happening. Please review this thread to see what others have done to get this working.

Here are some of the bullet points:

  1. Start small. Only authorize device types that we know work like Switches, Dimmers, & Door Locks.

  2. Completely remove the Home Remote SmartApp from the hub & try again.

  3. Use the SmartThings App to authorize which devices Home Remote control.

Appreciate the reply, I may give this another go tonight after clearing out everything and starting fresh again.

Def worth it! I use it all the time! Loads much faster then the smartthings app and has direct access to something’s like the “Nest” Thermostat. So if my hub is acting up I can still access my thermostat. Plus I can do a custom set-up for my phone, wife’s phone and my on wall tablet

Still no luck. No response from hub in finding devices after adding it in. Oh well I guess.