New App: Travel Time Guru (Beta)

I am still working on cleaning up the app. The app touch is setup to run the portion of the app that gets current travel time. The other Motions and Contacts is supposed to run the travel time portion of the app.

When I modified the Restriction section that is when it started working for me. I have added a start checking time option and momentary button option to also trigger the app. I also added location name options so it does not only use home/work. I hope to get this done before Sunday Night to post.


@DarcRanger, any updates?

Still working on it. Took a break for vacation and the balancing my workload before leaving for it. Started looking at it again this past Tuesday. I am hoping to finish up this weekend.

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I have been looking at this a little but more too :smile:

Make sure to push your changes to the master on github so we are not duplicating each others efforts

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Ok. I think I did the pull request correctly, my first time. It seems to be running OK on the several apps I created based on this version.

In the comment section of the request, I did write up changes/additions I made, as well as possible revisions and other issues I had.

Mainly Is ResumePlay on Sonos device type is still borked, and I may have backed over it with a truck or something. I edited things so at least PlayText should work. I do not have a Sonos, and have not looked at other posted Sono’s apps to troubleshoot the problem.

If you have any questions/comments/pointers/changes please let me know, here/GitHub or in a PM.

And finally, as I mentioned in older posting, I had issues with running the app without restrictions set, so I moded it… Although I forgot to note that change in my pull request, it is at least working for me.

Thanks @slagle and @DarcRanger, I’ll add the code now and will report back.

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I got this error:

1e8fc401-4fe4-4a8f-818c-405fc16a9c71 06:33:44: error java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: “2015-08-11Tnull” @ line 836

I came across a similar error before and thought it was swashed. When I saw the error it was related to the display of the trigger time in the app…
What times do you have set,
Restrictions: Starting./Ending
Mandatory: Arrival, I know this is a given
Optional: Trigger Time to start the app at a specific time?

You are using the 1.6 version of the app correct, from slagle’s Github?


Yup BETA 1.6


When I am home
MODE: Night, Sleep, Home
Mon - Fri
No time restrictions

Arrival at 0650

Optional Trigger Time: 0500


I figured out this morning that lack of time restriction is the issue. Was working on a fix this morning. Hope to get it out when I get home.

@DarcRanger THANKS! I will add a time restriction to see if it fires tomorrow.


I sent @slagle a new pull request for my update.
Travel Time Guru v1.8

Update: 2015-08-12
Fixed Error when Starting/Ending/Trigger Time is not used.
Fixed Error in app display for Trigger Time.
Fixed RunIn issue created in the previous version when travel time details need to be looked up.
Added a way to have the app stop once the Time to Leave gets below zero and you are alerted you are running late. This should work if there is no Restriction Ending Time or the Ending Time exceeds the end of your trip.
Added a way to have the app delay the next travel check once it determines that Time Left exceeds the First Time Notification Threshold by a set amount. The idea for this is to reduce the number of 5 minute checks, between the first trigger report and the first Notification Threshold.
Added a push alert if Trigger Time is outside of your Restricted Starting or Ending Times.

Pending Issues
Sonos integration is still not fully implemented, since I do not own a Sonos.

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Thanks @DarcRanger. I’ll keep an eye out for 1.8 once @slagle accepts your request.

I did not get a pull request :frowning:

I am still new to that function. I will check.

Edit: Evidently I essentially made a push request to my forked version.
@slagle, I hope you see the request now.

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@DarcRanger and @slagle the app worked like a charm this morning. THANK YOU!

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@DarcRanger and @slagle

Text messages have been arriving perfectly. I just set-up VLC and was hoping to get verbal updates, but it hasn’t been working. I just noticed in the log that the command get’s sent, but without any content to speak.

1e8fc401-4fe4-4a8f-818c-405fc16a9c71 9:56:28 AM: debug Dory | - | Sending speak(PlayText)


I do not have a sonos and I have only minimally used VLC. I did simplify the Sonos code to only play message and disable some of the code @slagle did not concerning play tracks.

Also with the “Dory” device you are using can you also look at the logs for that to see what error code you are getting.
Can you select “Dory” under the other speech devices like the Ubi to see if you have the same problem?
If you can what does the log say about the device.

I have a copy of the VLC device code so I can at see what line the error is occurring, so I can at least look there for a clue.

Hi all, I’ve been searching for an app like this but don’t have any devices yet to test, they start arriving later this week.

I’m curious if this app will do the following:
-put in my home address
-put in my work address
-put in a standard travel time (35 minutes)
-between the hours of 6-7am, on monday - Friday
-dimly flash a hue bulb green if travel time is within standard travel time
-dimly flash a hue bulb yellow if travel time is more than standard time (say standard plus 10 minutes)
-dimly flash a hue bulb red if travel time is more than standard time (say standard plus 11 minutes)
-stop flashing hue bulb if my mobile presence reports I’m away

Whew! I know that’s a lot to request. Thanks, Dave


You have to sign up for the Bing account to access their traffic data as noted above. It is free, but there is a set limit per month.

You can put your home and work address and label the start and end destination as home/work, work/home or other names.

You can set your arrival time.

You can set a start time to begin checking travel time. There is also a other ways to begin the travel time check, like motion detector, door contact open/close, momentary button press or even an app press option.

You can set your notification lead times at thee level to alert you when to leave to hit your desire arrival time. The current default is alert at approximately 15/10/5 minutes with a final alert a few minutes after the time you should have left.

There are several notification methods. One is receiving a text notification and/or push notification. Although Sonos is having issues with sending customized text responses. Most of the Sonos features of Volume and ResumePlay have been deactivated. , I have an UBI that uses another speech method that works for me, and should work with other devices that can use the speechSynthesis command. These notification methods will give responses to 3 notification lead time as well as the initial trigger notification informing you how long your trip is expected to take. I will also a final alert as mentioned above.

There is an option for the Hue bulbs to change a preset color for each of the three notification events.
I think the light remains at each notification for 5 secs, I cannot remember the time conversion in the code. Currently the light level is set at 60%, and that is currently unchangeable within the app, but it can be changed directly in the code. The time the light remains on can be changed as well in the code…

There are several other options of app controls, but they only affect if the app can run if all selected conditions are met. If the text or push notifications are set you will be alerted if the app will not run because it outside the set conditions.

Presence: selected person is home.
Mode: select Mode is active. There is no integration with Routines, since this app was created before that option.
Days: selected Day(s) are true.
Time : Can Run between a Start and/or End time. If Start Time after Trigger time the app will not run. If End Time is before your any of your notification the app will not run.

There is also a on/off switch that will not allow the app to run, but will preserve your travel settings. There are no notifications if this switch is set.

As noted above you do not set the travel time in terms of minutes, instead you enter the time you want to arrive at your designation. I think the only thing that it currently does not do is stop the Hue notifications after you leave home. Also you may receive more 3 notification lead times, if travel conditions change during the next check. There may also be more check is the trigger event is well in advance the arrival time. I usually see this type of thing because of traffic and greatly impact travel time which basically forces me to begin my checks earlier in the morning.

I currently set a trigger time just after I wake up to get a picture of how long the trip would currently take. My next notification would be the first notification level, which in my case may be 15-20 minutes after the trigger time announcement.

I hope this information is helpful.