Nest Thermostat

I’m experiencing the same problem.

Not sure if this is related, but looking at the resources on, it’s calling:

Mine’s still working… using this device type. Good luck to you guys on getting yours working again and hopefully mine doesn’t break. Could it be related to the Hub update ST is pushing out today? I don’t think I got mine yet.

Are you sure. That appears to be the same device type?

Positive. Just changed my temp about 6 times in the Nest device page. Also changed from home to away and back again. I verified each change showed up on the Nest. Let me know if I can provide any info to inform your troubleshooting.

Nest v2, SmartThings hub V2.

I’ve just tested that code you linked, doesn’t work.

Perhaps yours hasn’t updated or something

Did your Nest itself update? Or just the backend. My Nest is using 5.1.3rc1, updated Nov 17, 2015. I don’t know where or if I can check on whether there is a difference on the cloud side.

Interesting. Mine also updated this morning too! Looks like we’re running the same.

Have you increased the temperature, and checked on to see if it updates on there?

Yes. The changes show up on the Nest site, on the Nest app, and the Nest itself. Plus, I got warm air from my vents! :smile:

Is there anything on my logs that might be helpful to you? No errors on the Nest, just debug messages.

I’m as confused as you are.

I assume you’re USA then.

The other guys that were having issues, are you UK or US?

US. Minnesota, to be exact.

I am in the UK (London).

I get the same, yes in the UK

Having the same issue, seemingly related to 5.1.3rc1 being pushed to my Nest last night. I’m in the US.

Nest stopped working with ST for me too. I am in MN.

Add me to the list. Same update. No longer responding to SmartThings. I’m in Dallas, TX.

Same here, US using @sidjohn1’s device

Am I the only one with a Nest that still works with SmartThings? Maybe I should sell it on eBay for a super inflated price… :smile:

I keep messing with it expecting it to break but nothing yet.

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what devicetype are you using?

He’s using this one:

Testing that myself, but same issue