If the rooms on either side of the hallway have motion sensors, then this SmartApp might work for you.
I wrote this SmartApp because I wanted a way for my house to always know which room I was in without using timed delays.
When setting up a room you can specify lights, but since it uses virtual presence sensors, you can setup complex automatons based on the room you in using other SmartApps like CoRE or Rule Machine.
This SmartApp has a lot of limitations so I doubt anyone else will find it useful, but I figured since I’ve been using it to control all my lighting for several months, I might as well post the code.
These are the main reasons why this SmartApp won’t work for most people:
It only works when there’s one person can be in the house.
A Virtual Presence Sensor needs to be manually created for each room.
Each room has to have either a Contact Sensor on the door or a Moti…
Since you’re only dealing with 2 lights and 2 sensors, it might be easier if you just use CoRE. It’s technically still an Alpha release, but it’s already more stable than most of the SmartApps released by SmartThings.
UPDATE 8/12/2016: CoRE has moved on to Beta Milestone 2. Please kindly follow us here .
In an attempt to fill the huge void left by the withdrawal of Rule Machine, a few brave community members started their journey to creating a new rule engine to rule them all. We’ve decided to call it CoRE, an abbreviation that stands for “Community’s own Rule Engine”, courtesy of @SBDOBRESCU (his idea, really).
WARNING: This SmartApp is in an alpha BETA development stage and may be quirky. It may also change rapidly and drastically, involving a full reset of the app in order to upgrade.
It is not recommend to install this SmartApp in a “production” environment, but we encourage people to try it out.
IMPORTANT: This topic is here for general information and peer assistance. If you want to point out e…
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