And that works for those of us that don’t use Goggle Home how?
I was planning to replace my smart thermostat radiator valves (Tapo KE100, now with Matter!) with Eve Thermo until I realized that two of the main features can only be configured with the Eve app:
- Matter binding between the TRV and the temperature sensor
- Schedules
I could do the binding with chip-tool but the scheduling isn’t even implemented in the reference implementation:
So I’m going to keep the KE100s where I can set both (proprietary protocol) in the Tapo app that doesn’t need Google Home.
Saw this
Feels like an auto-generated blog to catch search traffic, it could say SmartThings or any other platform since there’s nothing more than generic information about Matter 1.4.
There are still features of Matter 1.0 not available for users in SmartThings like bindings, groups, transitions, relative brightness, etc. so, being compatible with Matter 1.4 clusters eventually does not really mean anything if the features are not exposed to the user.
Home Assistant - Matter 1.3
Nice. That will take their Matter implementation out of beta finally.
Nice price, especially the $70US introductory price.
The link in the article doesn’t work for me. Does anyone have a link to a place where this can be bought? I don’t actually want to buy it, but just interested in the details and I can’t find it on the Meross site at all.
I get “page not found” when I click on it. Could be it is being too clever, identifying I am in the UK and sending me to that region, where it is presumably not available. However, when I shop by region I don’t find it either under North America. No big deal, I was just being curious. Maybe I will look again in 10 days when I am over there!
Recommended for use in North America only, not suitable for the EU market.
I know. I actually wrote it is not available in the UK.
I have an ecobee and I’m genuinely thinking about switching to this. Is that stupid?
- I think the ecobee can do a number of things that I don’t utilize. I really just want to set a schedule and more or less forget about it, but have the option to occasionally, temporarily, override it.
- I have been trying to consolidate apps. Have other meross stuff (not that it…Matters…) but only have ecobee for the thermostat.
- Was thinking of switching to the Nest that works over Matter but the price on this one is
I need you guys to tell me if this is a mistake. I am really sick and on a lot of medication and don’t want to make a dumb decision I end up regretting lol.
Functionally you probably won’t notice a difference, but if your goal is to minimize the number of smart home apps you use, and rely on local control for your hub vs cloud to cloud integration then it makes sense. But realistically you won’t gain much other than thinking “cool, now my thermostat is on Matter!”
Any experience with how good the integration is with ST and whether it deals with peak inrush that may exceed 15 A momentarily? The Eve while costly integrates well with the ST energy application, but alas my microwave trips it off.
Given how new it is, probably very little data available on what you’re asking about.
Hey boss! They want us to send a photo of the device for the Matter certification application!
The Media Control Cluster is interesting. Level Control maybe for Ambilight.
Transport interface: Ethernet, Matter 1.2.