Live Code Fridays 9/11/2015 8pm

Join host Patrick Stuart and guests as they discuss the latest news and goings on in the IoT and HA space and how to leverage the SmartThings platform to code almost anything. Simple to complex apps will be written live on the air and anyone can join in on the fun.

You can watch past episodes at

Bumping this!

PSA: If you’re cool you’ll watch tonight. :wink:

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@pstuart, @slagle What time zone?, invite?


Live stream link is in the OP.

Err… duhhh…, thanks!

8pm Est 7 central 6 mountain 5 pacific (for others, not sure.)

Yup, got er up, yet another app (YouTube streaming) that doesn’t work on my 84" 4K, oh well I certainly have larger problems in my life…