Hi all,
I’m a long time user of CoRE and just installed WebCoRE and it got me thinking about my lighting automations now that we’re at the height of summer.
I currently have a rule that is: “if motion is detected and its after 30 mins before sunset turn on the lights. after 30 mins of no motion turn them off”
In the winter, it gets dark pretty fast so I have my lights turn on 30 mins before sunset. However in the summer it takes a lot longer to get dark and 30 mins before sunset, it is already pretty dark! I’d say I need to increase the timing to about 2 hours.
My choices are:
- do something whereby I look at the month of the year and adjust the amount of time before sunset
- do something with the hour of sunset and adjust the amount of time before sunset
- use LUX although I’m not sure how reliable this is on my sensor. Example LUX from my logs today are below. Any advice on what approximate LUX to use as the threshold would be appreciated. Also, I’m assuming I can add something to the rule that says “if the lights are on, ignore the lux level” and just refresh the timer on new motion detection?
- anything else someone has come up with?
Example LUX from today:
5:56 - 189
6:26 - 126
6:56 - 86
7:26 - 42
7:56 - 34
8:26 - 17
8:56 - 7
9:26 - 2
9:56 - 0