iOS 2.0 Discussion!

I see this same issue on the iOS 2.0 app… Cannot select the default tile to be displayed for a device.

This will be fixed soon (tonight). Sorry!

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Also, I cannot set the Featured Device for a room (edit room) to “No Featured Device” and have the setting actually be applied.

I miss it too but it was we totally wanted. It will come back with more features soon enough.

We are currently working on some fixes for a migration we ran prior to release. Should be fixed without a mobile app release. Devs are working on it as we speak.

Will the updates fix my wacky outlet that says its off but isn’t? Worked fine prior to the new release.

I am having a couple issues after the update. A couple of my devices are not responding anymore. this happen after I created a room for them. Secondly, If you have a device that outputs multiple values (i.e. a motion sensor that can also output temp, humidity and lux- how do you pick that one function in the featured device?

Hey @ymilord

Please reach out to they should be able to help get you sorted.

Where is the Smart Home Monitor? I haven’t found it, and is there an easy way to change modes anymore? Or do i have to do Routines and change the Hello Home?

I wish we could order the list of things, because I have so many extra devices that are virtual or whatever, and they should up throughout. I can get them at the bottom, if i put a z in from of each name, but then it isn’t very helpful w/ the names through Amazon Echo.

I like the room configuration, have to get use to it but it is a little different, the other question where can i do the multiple value tiles, like open/close AND temperature? I thought I read we could do that.

What Kyle said. :smile:

Smart monitor is being pushed out over the next day or so, most people don’t have it yet.

As far as mode, I just added an FAQ on setting up mode control switches. This is for any platform. It’s just one way to do it, but it’s working well for me.

I’m also having updating issues with (mostly) smartplugs as well as some other items. Sent a trouble ticket to support…hopefully it’s a quick fix…the wife will not be thrilled.

I have a “routine” that I called “power down” to turn off all of my lights. Running that routine sets the status of all of my switches to “off” in the app, but doesn’t actually switch any of them off. I have to go to each switch in the app and manually toggle it on/off again.

Essentially, the routine doesn’t work at all no matter what I do.

We’ve heard this internally too. Definitely something we would like to see. In the meantime like you said best to just use a switch (virtual/real) and a master/slave smartapp to control switches based on one switch

Please report this to support @

Hey @stevesell,

Please reach out to support @ so they can further investigate why this is happening in your account. :slight_smile:

I’m starting to like the room hierarchy model of the new app, and can see how when the Smart Home Monitor is rolled out, it might just all come together. Still…

  1. Color and font scheme is very low contrast and has terrible UI visibility. I have perfect eyesight and the thought of reconfiguring all my SmartApps for the v2 upgrade with that pencil thin text on a blindingly white background is already giving me a migraine. Give us some UI options.

  2. Speaking SmartApps, while it is great if not slightly unwieldy to have them all in one list, they are not sorted at all. In fact, I can’t even figure out what order they are in?? At a minimum they need to be alphabetized. Realistically there should be ‘view types;’ alpha, catagoies, my order / drag and drop. There needs to be a set of universal sorting options across the app.

  3. … At least Things is sorted alphabetically, but a drag and drop, and category view should be added (yes, the option for all of the above, not you pick we live) as well.

  4. The family tab might be redundant to what is in the Dashboard, we’ll see, but either way we should be able to hide presence sensors from that view (i.e. my thermostat) that we don’t want to see, but still might be used for automations.

  5. The routines screen just fees bizarre to me, but I can’t think of anything constructive to say about it,
    so I am going to keep my mouth shut.

  6. Marketplace search. Nuff said.

Despite the above, I am starting to like at least the organization principles of the new app. Great work on really coming up with a clean philosophy across the app. Us old dogs might not like some of the changes, but I think this will be much more intuitive for new users.

I think the setup might even allow long requested features such as granular multiuser permissions to be rolled out because there are clearer boundaries within the app. Whether we ever see that, or direct local control, or reliable Sonos, or a supported mains powered button controller, or any of the fixes above, who knows. But at least we are moving (slowly) in the right direction.

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Thank you ST team for addressing that so quickly! I see the issue is fixed. I don’t write that many reviews on the app store,, or other places but will for your app; I am very impressed with the new app update and support. I preordered the new hub the day it came out and am looking forward to getting that hopefully soon too. My wife hated the older version of the app and found it too complicated to use. I did not find the flow of things optimal but not overly complicated. However, both my wife and I feel the new version is much more intuitive. The new version of the app will enable the not-so-savvy tech people to setup and use your ecosystem with much less of a learning curve now and therefore broadens your target customer base. Keep up the great work!

I am having random things not working…tried a new smart app and it doesn’t work…time for a support ticket. anyone else having random things not working when the use to prior to update?

i’m sure the upgrade was foundational for future enhancements, and it does seem more intuitive. However, the basic tenets of UI are being violated with the number of clicks/taps required to see the data various items in my smarthome are collecting.

All that to say … Dashboard Dashboard Dashboard.

Will we have the ability to customize what is on our dashboard and what data points show up from said devices, and in what order?

That is the most useful and yet appears to be completely underserved in the update. There is a reason so many of us use ActION Alex’s dashboard… It’s really freakin’ useful to look at one screen and know what’s going on.

For instance the weather station is rendered virtually useless in the latest update. I have to click 3 screens (add it to an admin room) or scroll all the way down on the “things” section to see what’s going on…

Is customized dashboarding in the works?