Install device handler into mobile app

Is it possible to install a device handler from the mobile app? I want to deploy a “virtual” handler that has no backing device.

You can publish a device handler to yourself anytime without having a device associated to it. But nothing will happen until there is a device that uses that device handler. That device can be a virtual device, though, many people use virtual switches, for example.

Overview of device handlers:

Virtual Device FAQ:

For detailed information, see the developer documentation by clicking on Developers at the top right of this site.

But will a virtual device appear in the ST mobile app? Otherwise, it’s pretty useless if I can’t use it from an app deployed to the ST hub. I know that virtual devices can be used with a simulator but I was looking for a virtual device that can be used with apps installed via the ST app

Yes, the virtual device can be used just like a physical device for most purposes. It will have a “Things” tile in the mobile app, its events can be subscribed to by smartapps like The Big Switch, and it can be made visible to external services like Harmony or IFTTT.

You can’t do a Zwave associate with it (or a zigbee binding), but otherwise it will act like a physical device.


awesome. Thank you !

I use virtual switch and IFTTT to turn on/off my home entertainment center (Harmony Home Hub), in IFTTT search for SmartThings/Harmony recipe’s, works great to be honest, expected lag time but it happens immed. everytime since I set it up a couple of months ago, on/off when mode changes from home to away and vice versa.

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