So I am wanting to add Hue control to one of my apps, but the existing hue apps are quite confusing for me. Does anyone have base code for making a hue to red, blue, green, etc? Flashing would be cool too.
So I am wanting to add Hue control to one of my apps, but the existing hue apps are quite confusing for me. Does anyone have base code for making a hue to red, blue, green, etc? Flashing would be cool too.
Unfortunately ‘alert’ and ‘transition time’ are not supported in the device type, so that leaves out flashing and fading.
I have example code that uses Hue API values (0-255 and 0-65535). If that’s ok with you lemmeno and I’ll post it.
Yes @scottinpollock any starting point helps!
The inputs look something like this:
section("Choose light settings...") {
input "hues", "capability.colorControl", title: "Which Hue Bulbs?", required:false, multiple:true
input "color", "number", title: "Hue (0-65535)", required: false, multiple:false
input "saturation", "number", title: "Saturation (0-255)", required: false, multiple:false
input "lightLevel", "number", title: "Brightness (0-255)", required: false, multiple:false
And the command is:
private doHUE() {
def saturationInt = saturation / 255 * 100 as Integer
def lightLevelInt = lightLevel / 255 * 100 as Integer
def colorInt = color / 65535 * 100 as Integer
log.debug "${colorInt} ${saturationInt} ${lightLevelInt}"
state.previous = [:]
hues.each {
state.previous[] = [
"switch": it.currentValue("switch"),
"level" : it.currentValue("level"),
"hue": it.currentValue("hue"),
"saturation": it.currentValue("saturation")
log.debug "current values = $state.previous"
def newValue = [hue: colorInt, saturation: saturationInt, level: lightLevelInt]
log.debug "new value = $newValue"