Hub Update Monday August 15

We may be talking about two different issues. Below is a screenshot of my event log for one of the devices impacted by the 15 minute consequtive updates. YOu will see they continue up until 12:54 PM ET which is when my hub was updated. The source of these events is “App_Command” as I have Smart Lighting set to toggle this GE outlet when a GE switch is toggled. When the switch is off I was getting Off commands sent every 15 minutes and On commands when the switch was on. This has now stopped on all of the outlets I have that are controlled by Smart Lighting.

Yes, we do talk about different devices. I tagged along to your comment about undocumented changes. There is a similarity, though. The fact that Smart Lightning would take action. It seems like they have fixed the outlet but not the switch handler.

What is the master device in your application. Is it another outlet?

The master device is a GE toggle switch. Smart Lighting “listens” for events from it and will then toggle several GE outlets in my master bedroom. I have the same setup in another bedroom and another similar setup for my hot water heater circulation pump. I had to remove the Smart Lighting app on circulation pump because of this issue since there are times when I want to be able to turn on the circulation pump switch without my shower light on. This issue was causing the pump outlet to turn off within a 15 minute period. Now that this issue has gone away, I recreated the Smart Lighting app since I prefer that to run locally on my v2 hub.

So we do have the same issue after all :slight_smile: The problem is, that zwave switch handler sends on/off physical events on polling, which cascades to Smart Lighting. My instances are still misfiring after changing the handler back to zwave switch. The fact that yours stoped, is encouraging. They either fixed Smart Lighting to ignore the bogus on/off events coming from your toggle OR they fixed the handler and didn’t update the Github template. Could you do me a favor and look at your toggle event log (click on “from device” activity) and see if your device sends on/off commands like in picture below?

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Ah interesting yes I do see the same and they are every 15 minutes. Now that got me curious and I clicked “from device” on my outlets too and I do see the 15 minute polling there too. But since yesterday these are no longer cascading down to the “slave” outlets through Smart Lighting which is a good thing. Smart Lighting only must be listening for events that are “displayed” since the polling events don’t show up there like they used to.

That’s because you are using the same Z-Wave Switch handler. Now, why your Smart Lighting stopped acting on these events and mine didn’t is a mystery to me. Off to figure that one out :slight_smile:

@dlaii confirmed in another thread that the issue is resolved too:

Very odd your is still acting up. I would try recreating a Smart Lighting app. I recreated the one this morning for my circulation pump and all is good there. I have found though you need to delete the SL apps wait for several minutes and then recreate as this will let all the server caching clear. I had to do this back when we had all the scheduling issues.

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Ok, so yeah. Looks like running update on the SL fixed it. So they ‘fixed’ Smart Lighting, but not the root cause.

Tried killing the app.
Also powered down and up phone.
Still shows null.

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