I had recently installed a few vertical blinds in the living room and I wonder if there is any way to automate them.
(Not horizontal blinds, not shades, and not roller blinds, because cats. With pretty much anything else, they will nag me to keep them open all the time, but then I have no privacy after dark. With vertical blinds, they can simply push a few blades apart and get on the sill. I have curtains through the house, but with two windows, vertical blinds just make more sense.)
So far I found the following solutions:
- there are motors for horizontal blinds/rollers. Which won’t work, see above.
- tiny SwitchBot motors that can open/close curtains. These are interesting, but my blinds have a rod which needs to be turned so the blades of the blinds are perpendicular to the window, or else the blinds won’t open. (And turned parallel to the window after they are closed.) I can keep the blinds in the “perpendicular to window” position all the time, but then they do not have privacy in “closed” position. And having to turn the rod will defeat the purpose of automation.
- an automatic rod which would turn, but not push/pull. I am considering combining one with a SwitchBot, but then reviews say that this rod isn’t compatible with SmartThings, so that opens another can of worms…
- finally, vertical blinds motors that work by pulling a cord. But I don’t have a cord, I have a rod which needs to be turned, then pushed/pulled each time. (If you’re in USA, I’m talking about standard inexpensive cut-to-size vertical blinds from Lowe’s.
I can do some electrical/soldering/etc work myself. I do have some programming experience (mostly, scientific programming), but I had never programmed with SmartThings. I had, in the past, edited existing device handlers, but with the new interface for everything (from the end of 2022) I won’t even know where to start! (Did some extensive googling and couldn’t even figure how to get to the existing device handlers in my house anymore!)
There are some vertical blinds on Amazon, they are costly, and they are a waste of my existing blinds. I was wondering if anyone was ever able to retrofit existing vertical blinds that need to be turned+pushed to work with SmartThings.
Thanks a lot in advance!