How can I use IFTTT when SHM changes state?

You didn’t say which version of the mobile app you are using. Each has a feature called “smart home monitor” but they are actually completely different features, not synchronized with each other, and they just happen to have the same name. :scream:

Since there are multiple ways to change the SHM armed state, if we are talking about the classic version, I think the only way to capture a change even if it was just somebody toggling it in the mobile app is to use webcore. Have webcore turn on a virtual switch, and then it’s the same process we use for many different IFTTT integrations: you just have IFTTT react to that virtual switch going on or off.

Here’s the FAQ for that

And here’s the FAQ for webcore if you’re not familiar with that yet

If instead you are using the new app, “smartthings (Samsung connect)“ ( abbreviated STSC), I honestly don’t know if its SHM armed state changes are visible to Webcore not. Asking the webcore forum, and the folks there should be able to help you.