How can I do this: dog sets off alarms at night

Well it seemed to work! Thanks for help.

However today I got an alarm to say motion detected. Checked ST and it SHM was set to arm/stay. I can’t see how, I didn’t run a manual routine or anything. Is there a way to see what’s triggered this either on iPhone or poo n a computer?

All it says on the ST app on my iPhone is at a time in afternoon “alarm status is stay” not sure how though


Well update, it’s not working…
Got texts and notifications last night to say had triggered. Not sure what’s going on, obviously it’s my configuration, but I’m finding it difficult to find out what’s went wrong.

Looking on the ST app it set arm/stay and mode to night, but then ground floor motion triggered it… Wonder if the hound went downstairs and was missed by the 1st floor motion…?

Not sure what’s going on, I can’t get this to work now after I had to reset everything.

It’s not running my “up at night” so as soon as activate the ground floor motion, it sends alerts and repeats them. I’ve checked and checked and can’t see, can either @jdawson @dc1515 help, or anyone please, with the below screenshots. In running rule machine 1.8.


You have to setup the Rule for your conditions. The section between conditions and actions.

I agree with Jimmy. The ST platform instability took out some of my rules too. You need to repopulate the rule section. Sometimes it is as easy as opening it and hitting “done” again. Sometimes you have to rebuild it.

Ok thanks, getting strange things going on at moment. e.g. My mode was somehow set to up at night, then ground floor motion detected and SHM in arm, so setting off texts etc. Check in notifications and nothing been set…?

So what’s the difference between “select conditions and “define rule” then? Confused. " Select across for true” is actually what you want it to do.


Rule defines how the Conditions relate to each other. AND, OR, etc.