Honeywell Smart Wi-Fi Thermostat Compatibility

It seems to be working now. I made a few changes. Not sure exactly what was happening.

My stuff is working - I made no changes. Transient issue???

I think so. They are clearly making changes on the backend. I hope it continues to work.


I have an European Honeywell Evohome that does not work with Smarthings (joyalbritton code)

I have registered my Honeywell Gateway, I can use it with the European Android Honeywell Comfort application and with IFTTT

In the ST Live Logging window, I can see:

0:17:30: error Unauthorized @ line 370
0:17:30: debug
0:17:30: debug Executing 'getStatus’
0:17:30: debug cookies: EccMyTcc=R139572655;ASP.NET_SessionId=upfuzchjg4k3zgcap21am1xz;TrueHomeCheckCookie=;
0:17:30: debug Adding cookie to collection: TrueHomeCheckCookie=
0:17:30: debug Adding cookie to collection: ASP.NET_SessionId=upfuzchjg4k3zgcap21am1xz
0:17:30: debug Adding cookie to collection: .ASPXAUTH_TH_A=
0:17:30: debug Adding cookie to collection: EccMyTcc=R139572655
0:17:30: debug$HeadersDecorator@38240035
0:17:30: debug Request was successful, 200
0:17:30: debug Executing 'login’
0:17:30: debug Executing ‘refresh’

The username and password are the same I use in

What can I do?


You can try this

Everywhere in my code that you see:

Replace it with

After replacing, I see the error:

7:43:48: error hostname in certificate didn’t match: != <> OR <> OR <> OR <> OR <*> @ line 479
7:43:47: debug Executing 'login’
7:43:47: debug Executing ‘refresh’

Not sure where to go from here. It could one simple change or twenty. The fact that your account is on a different host and you use a different app probably means you will need a different device type.

What is happening is the cert being returned by is not for that site, but for or one of the variants.

If you do a nslookup of you will see this as an alternative:

@Swapper can you try changing the URL to be

I just found this after I started my endeavor to create a PHP class for the API. So glad to see that I wasn’t the only one cobbling stuff together to get some control over the API and data therein.

Has something changed again recently? I checked the activity log and the last update was on Sunday, Nov 30th at 10:10pm CST. There have been no updates in the log since then.

I just installed the code for the app on the 29th. Should I expect more frequent updates in the activity log as I have the thermostat programmed using the Honeywell app to go down to 68 degrees in the evenings.


Not sure when I last updated the code but it’s working fine for me today.

If you want frequent polling:

Are you seeing frequent events in your activity log?

I’ll give this a try also to it if helps.

thank you, after getting this installed properly it works with the latest code. might be helpful to add a nice readme though, new users are going to have a really hard time doing this.

i have an upstairs and downstairs unit so i had to create two devices, but it seems to work great. is there any way to change the temperature icon to some text or text + temperature so i can tell the devices apart? Both say 68 degrees so I don’t know which is up or down without going into the device itself.

Can someone please tell me how to implement this code! I am on a Mac and a iPhone but am totally lost on how to do this code. Any help would be appreciated greartly. Thanks.

copy the code and go to new device type. paste the code in. then go to devices and add device. scroll down to the bottom of the list for what code to use, and you’ll see total connect API. use that as your device connection script.

then go to edit, then edit preferences (on the web management of ST), add your username, password, and device id. you can get the device id from the total connect webpage url when you click on your thermostat. its a 6 digit number at the end of the url.

Where in here do I put the info?
input(“username”, “text”, title: “Username”, description: “Your Total Comfort User Name”)
input(“password”, “password”, title: “Password”, description: “Your Total Comfort password”)
input(“honeywelldevice”, “text”, title: “Device ID”, description: “Your Device ID”)
And I also see this at bottom
body: [timeOffset: ‘240’, UserName: “$username”, Password: “$password”, RememberMe: ‘false’]
data.cookiess = ‘’

After you create the device type, you will create a device using that device type. The settings are entered when you are setting up the device.

  1. Paste code into new device type
  2. Create a device using that device type
  3. Fill in the settings with the information

OK let me get this straight after I publish the device type then during the device setup in the SmartThings app I enter my info, is that correct? Thanks, for the hand holding.

Correct. You publish the device type for yourself. After that, you can create a new device. Fill in any random number for Device Network Id. After the device is created you can edit the preferences section with all of your info. Good luck.