Home Automation Dashboard (HAD)

So I was going to read through this all…until I realized it wasn’t ending and there were 600 posts.

Did anybody happen to post anything good about a wall mount for a nexus 7 by any chance?

Somebody should make some good looking ones and sell them to ST Community :slight_smile: (and yes, I would consider yours good looking OP).

No one submitted this to me… or did I miss it?

Yeah, it’s getting slightly out of control. Having said that, there were only a handful of posts about custom frames. You can use the search function to limit the search to this topic, and look for something like “frame”.

Nice work @florianz. :slight_smile:

Is anyone showing acceleration on their dash? I have multi-sensor on our washing machine, so it alerts us when it’s done, but I don’t see an existing widget that suits it.

This is a huge thread. It’s like we need a new one with not only the original post (cause it’s amazingly good) and the current state of things. I want to add my Nest thermostat to this but have no clue if it’s possible yet.

I (and SmartThings) also need to thank @florianz. I was ready to switch to Wink because of Relay. For some reason I searched for it on here and then found this thread. I then proceeded to be BLOWN away and now find myself taking a stab at this.

@ronnycarr: how can I change to the theme that you are using vs. the gray theme?

@Jsalicru you’ll need to manually change the colors in the css file for each widget. Doing this you’ll be able to create any color theme of your choice.

Wow! That looks great. I really like the color scheme. Could you share how you integrated the music controller into the dashboard? Also, is it possible to integrate spotify using their web API? Could you share what you’re using to switch apps? I’m looking for something simple and intuitive to use on my Nexus 7.

Greetings all! I’m new to the SmartThings community. I’ve been thoroughly impressed with all of the awesome things everyone has created in the development community. This dashboard is my favorite, by far.

I’ve had it up and running for almost a week. However, I’ve recently run into what appears to be an authorization issue that I’m hoping someone can help root cause. The symptoms seem similar to some of the issues encountered by others about a month ago when there were oauth issues.

I can authorize devices for use on the dashboard via the app. When I attempt to authorize on the web I see the list of devices I’ve authorized on my device. Clicking the authorize button redirects me to my dashboard. However, none of the tiles reflect the correct state. If I return to the authorization page online, I see that all of the previously authorized devices are no longer authorized (all are unchecked).

If I authorize all devices again via the app and go directly to my dashboard page, the dashboard correctly displays the state on page load. However, the tiles do not update when changing the state of any authorized device.

I checked that all config entries are correct, I’ve tried using all new config entries, I’ve tried starting from scratch and still appear to have the same issue.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks.

It looks like there was another background update pushed to the SmartThings platform yesterday and it appears to be impacting the OAuth workflow. Basically, any mobile app or web app that uses OAuth can successfully complete the authorization and get the necessary token for viewing/controlling your devices, but the list of devices is not properly being saved.

I don’t personally use the Home Automation Dashboard, but I imagine it is using the OAuth workflow and is probably suffering a similar fate as IFTTT, Harmony, and other apps that use OAuth. The simple workaround for this is to switch back to the main SmartThings mobile app and authorize Things for the SmartApp in question.

Check out the video showing the workaround applied to my Android app, SharpTools (Tasker and Widgets for Android):

Thanks! Your video appears to confirm the behavior I’ve seen attempting to authorize devices for the dashboard. I’ve been authorizing via the SmartThings app, in the interim, just as you’ve suggested in the video. This at least allows me to control the devices in my home.

However, I hope that a permanent fix is in the works. Otherwise, tiles on the dashboard will only be as current as the last page refresh.

I have nest on my dash. It’s really easy to add - just add the gem reference, and copy over the files, bundle install then push it all up to heroku.

See on my repo: https://github.com/phae/hadashboard/commit/9cb5b96e2f75e760d6c766a745e8f051f6074491
And the widget reference: https://github.com/Eric-Gonzalez/nest-dashing-widget

Thanks for flagging this. We have identified the issue and we have a fix in the works. We’re planning a release to address this issue on Monday. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks to both of you!

Yes, I had this issue with my Harmony. Thanks for catching this.

Good news! Thanks for the update.

I need a little help. Somewhere I screwed up and I think the short of it is that my local files and the heroku files are out of sync. Even if I pull from heroku then edit my erb, commit then push the change I will get an application error. I end up reverting Heroku back and it works again, but I’d like to update my files.


Whats the error that you are getting?

"An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. Please try again in a few moments.

If you are the application owner, check your logs for details."

Where else could I get a more detailed log?

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the command “heroku logs” will give you recent log history.

2014-12-14T04:23:43.405806+00:00 heroku[api]: Release v33 created by xxxxxxxx@gmail.com
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