Temperature goes over a particular threshold is easy, as long is you can handle that 15 minute check interval.
Rate of rise sensors for reporting periods have a minute or so are trickier. I only know of two fairly easy options.
The first is a Z wave device which is made on the US frequency, but which is intended for commercial buildings. The company, Climax, doesn’t really operate on a retail basis. But you can contact them and see if they’ll sell you a small quantity. But I don’t know anyone yet using it with SmartThings, so it would also need a custom DTH.
The other alternative is to use an analog probe sensor and connected to one of the Z wave monitors. People commonly use this with the Fibaro RGBW controller which can take four analog inputs. This one is popular when used with probes for things like pond management.
If you have maker skills, you can essentially make the equivalent of the Fibaro controller using an Arduino, a WiFi module, and ST anything. Less cost, but more effort.