Group Devices under Things

Is there a way to group “like” devices under things? I know I can add devices to Rooms.
I have close to 15 water sensors. I Would like to group them all under one group under things This will make the list of devices under things much more manageable as well.

How do I put in a request to get this feature added to the app?


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I think for now the best thing to do is rename them all with the same prefix so they all appear next to each other…



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That will make them appear next to each other, but does not reduce the clutter. I don’t need to look at water or motion sensor all the time.
Surely there is a better way to organize.

AFAIK - no better (at least for now). How about create a water sensor room?

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Unless he also wants to see them in the actual room they are in.

@Vinaygup will this work for you?

@ Jason. The apps suggested is very useful, and I am going to use it however I am looking for a different function.
I have about 40 devices total under Things.
Water S1, Water S2…
Motion 1, Motion 2
Light 1, Light 2
plug 1, plug 2
The list goes on, and as a result the things page is cluttered. I’d like to better organize it by device type.just like Rooms (and in addition to rooms).i.e

Water Sensors
Light bulbs
Smart plugs
Motion sensors
Alarm Sounders
Water Valves
Smoke Detectors
Garage Openers
Door locks

With the above scheme, I have less clutter under things, no scrolling to search for an item. And I have the freedom to organize in groups or leave it as a long list or any combination of the two.

I understand, and agree. I have 98 devices currently (with more to install). I think that if they allowed Rooms to just be called groups, and you were able to have devices in multiple groups at the same time that is all it would take. Then we could have a room for each of those, and the actual room it’s in.

Consider SmartTiles as an alternative until SmartThings implements your requested feature. We don’t support grouping yet in V5 (but will in V6); but you can at least create 5 distinct “dashboards” that could represent your desired “groups”.