groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: delayBetween() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.ArrayList, java.lang.Integer) values: [[null, null, null, null], 1000]'

i have a smart app which it to take 5 photo (send take command to DH) but keep running into this error
‘groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: script_app_268349c250a082d68ab658f2e81539d3c5e84346590f3998215c8613e64daf13.delayBetween() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.ArrayList, java.lang.Integer) values: [[null, null, null, null], 1000]’
The first camera.take() works fine, the ones in the delay work (ie the DH takes the photos) but it ends the smartapp early beacuse of the error (that why ive captured it). ive tryed other delay/loop but the DH then dosnt work efectivly. Any sugestion on delays/loops in SmartApps

if(picture == true) {
            log.debug "$evt , not motion 1"
/*            (1..3).each {
            	camera.take(delay: 500) //was 7000
		try {
    		], 1000)
		} catch (e) {
	    	log.warn "exception respones - '${e}'"