Amazon Prime members can get an additional 15% off on GE 14291, net price $29.33 (plus tax).
These go down further than this and buying from Lowe’s you can get and extra 20% off bringing them down to around $23 per switch.
How do you get the extra 20% off?
$10 off of $50 and $20 off of $100 coupons.
I am confused. Are you having Lowe’s price match? My local stores don’t have them on sale at the moment and are $37 a piece.
What I am saying is they go on sale at Lowe’s for 25% all the time 33% off from time to time. This is about $25/each. $25X2=$50. 20% of $50=$40. So that is about $20 per switch…of course when they go on sale.
YMMV but I have over 50 of them and I have rarely paid more than $23 each. Just have to wait to catch the sales.
When times where great (older moldels 12xxx), they would go on sale for 33% off + buy 2 get 1 free + $15 off of $50 Lowe’s coupon!