Hi @mwmacy2, you’re going to want to start over. You shouldn’t provide your own ID for zwave/zigbee devices like these because that won’t work, and you didn’t need to discover the device again since it’s already there. All that needed to be done is to have changed the DTH of the existing device.
The big question now is did you delete/remove the device from ST before trying to add it and changing the DNI?
If the device was never removed before giving it that new ID, try giving it the old DNI back again. If you don’t remember what that was, watch your hub’s event log for something like this:
The device is still “talking” to ST via the original DNI, and in the example above, it’s 07. If you have many of those events with different DNI’s then you have some work on your hands. You’ll need to figure out which is which by turning on some water and refreshing your event log to try and correlate the meter sending something to the hub and one of those events.
Once you figure that out and give the device it’s original DNI again, you should be able to go back to the mobile app and set things back up again. It technically should now work, but quite honestly things by now may be beyond repair and you want to just start completely over again.
If you don’t remember the old ID and you can’t figure it out, then you will want to remove the device from ST and start fresh. You won’t be able to delete the original DNI from your mesh since you don’t know it (it’s now a ghost device in your mesh), which means all you’ll be able to do is delete the DNI of the one you created. Go ahead and do that anyway. To completely remove the device from ST and your mesh, you must do a general exclude. That should be done through the mobile app, or better yet, the IDE via the View Utilities section:
Once you kick that off, make sure nobody else anywhere in your house is doing anything with a device, like turning on a switch, because a general exclude will exclude that instead.
Also, bring the device (just the FMI module) close to the hub when doing an exclude. If I remember right, you’ll start the general exclude process via the IDE and then press the button on the FMI. After it excludes it will blink 4 times in a row pretty quick.
To correctly add this device to ST, you’ll want to make sure that either my DTH is the only DTH you have for this device, or edit FortrezZ’s DTH to remove that fingerprint line I mentioned in a post above so only mine is detected.
When adding the device, there will not be a suggested device. You will need to add it via the “Scan nearby” option. When you do that it will take a little bit of time for the app to recognize that you have your own DTH for this device (that’s what the “fingerprint” in a DTH does).
As soon as ST recognizes you have a DTH for this device, it will add it with the name “My FortrezZ Flow Meter” and then it will give you the option to give it a different name and move it to a Room. Once done will all that, go to the device’s setting and set things back up again.
As for those settings and how notifications work, the DTH doesn’t send any notifications. Notifications are done through Automations and SmartApps. Remember, Reporting Rate Threshold is just how often the meter reports gpm. High Flow Rate threshold is what value should the meter trigger a capability that’s monitored by an automation/smartapp.
FortrezZ’s legacy smartapps use the Water Sensor capability. It monitors a “wet” or “dry” state. When the flow rate exceeds your threshold, it changes the state of the water sensor capability to “wet”, otherwise it’s always “dry”. Their smartapp can then send you a notification. I don’t use their SmartApps, so I can’t recall how to set that up.
The other thing you can do is create a simple Automation that watches that device’s water sensor state to send you a notification, like this:
Other automations that can be done could also include watching for power usage during certain conditions or modes. Remember, this is a power meter in ST’s world, so you could create an automation that says if power usage is over 0 and your home is in Away mode (not STHM away mode), send you a notification that water is running when nobody is home.
If you want to be notified of water running to too long over a period of time, or after a certain about of usage has happened, you will want to use FortrezZ’s legacy smartapps. Their smartapps will also control a valve or switch under certain conditions.