FortrezZ Water Flow Meter

Hi All, thank you for your patience. There was a DNS problem which made the IOT server inaccessible. The new DNS entry is now in place so the server should be working in about an hour.

To be honest, I haven’t looked at the DTH for a couple of years so I have no idea how the new Samsung changes will impact the existing DTH. I’m not active on these forums, so I appreciate you tagging me with @.

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Thanks @dantheman2865! In the new app the device looks like an energy meter, but device states are still exposed correctly for smartapps. There’s been recent communication from ST on custom capabilities, but I haven’t looked at that yet. In short, the meter works with the new app, but just doesn’t look like a water meter.


Hi @johnconstantelo,

Apologies, was tied up at work and had not looked at your earlier comment (on commenting a line of code), so had not done it. I had also turned off my alerts for the last few days.

But based on the last few replies, seems the Fortrezz DNS problem is fixed.

I would think i do not need to comment that code anymore and things should be back to normal as it was post the tests and changes in May. (Let me know if you still recommend any mods).

And I agree with the new app challenge you are highlighting. Read a recent article from this week that SmartThings is going to be pivoting to more S/W and de-invest in hardware. This is generally good news as it will get them to focus more on the app and s/w capabilities.

@dantheman2865 - Thank you.

Yesterday, I noticed that I was having the 0.6 gpm persistent reading too (going to a higher reading when running water and then dropping back to 0.6 afterwards, though once seemed to stick at 1.2…

I updated to the latest DH by John, no change.

Tried switching the DH back and forth between the Stock Fortrezz one and John’s, no luck.

What finally worked for me was removing main power and the batteries and then when it came back online after putting the batteries back and plugging in, it seems to be working as expected again.

I’m bummed to see that the new ST app reports water usage as watts instead of gallons, after starting to manually migrate my scenes/automations but at least we can still get a reading to automate things from, and I’m thankful for your code/efforts, John!

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You bet! Once things settle down a bit I and there’s some stability on the ST platform and their developer tools, I’ll work on getting a better DTH put together that shows the right unit of measure on the tiles, as well as some more of the informational text we’re use to seeing in Classic.

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Does the new ST app support Fortrezz Flow Meter? I only get temperature notifications, no water usage notifications. (Everything worked fine with the classic app, but that is no longer available). Is there a new device handler available? ST support claims I no longer need the DTH and should delete it because the new app has it “built in”. Is this true?

Thanks for any help you can give…

Yes, but with limitations. You can use other ST DTH’s, like Aeon Home Energy Meter, but you’ll only get water usage (in WATTS, not gallons.) You can also still use my DTH, which does work with the new app for the most part. Usage is in WATTS vs gallons, and energy consumption shows in kWh, but it still represents total usage since the last reset. It also still supports FortrezZ’s original SmartApps. It’s not pretty, but it gets me by.

A lot of settings can still work, but it’s hobbled due to the new way devices should work on the platform. Since “water meter” capabilities are not built in yet with ST, you need a custom DTH with custom capabilities to support it, so what ST told you is not true at all. In fact, a flat out lie, unless they didn’t understand and thought you meant their water valve instead of their water meter.

What needs to happen is for FortrezZ to rewrite the DTH for the updated ST platform, or for ST to add water meter capabilities to the platform. Neither of those are likely to happen anytime soon, and it’s extremely unlikely FortrezZ will rewrite their DTH. What will end up happening is this device will die on the ST platform if they don’t do something about it. I may end up rewriting my DTH to support the new platform, but I’ve got other things demanding my time before I can work on that.

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Thanks for the quick response. Just to make sure I understand, are you saying I should NOT delete the old Fortrezz Flow Meter DTH?

Is there any way to remotely monitor the Flow Meter in the interim without purchasing an entirely new ecosystem? Is there any inexpensive way to monitor the flow without using ST?

No problem. If you’re using the DTH provided by FortrezZ and their SmartApps for notifications, I would not delete a thing. While the mobile app may not display everything correctly, I believe their apps should still work. I can’t be 100% about that because I use my own DTH and modified versions of their SmartApps.

If you haven’t tried my DTH, it will let you monitor flow (in WATTs instead of gallows), as well as still work with automations using “power” capabilities in the rules. Like I mentioned earlier, it isn’t pretty, but it can get you going until a newer DTH is put together. You will need to go into Settings and set up a few parameters that FortrezZ DTH does not have.

Unfortunately I don’t know of an inexpensive solution right now. Everything I’ve seen isn’t cheap.

I believe I am using the Fortrezz DTH:


  • FortrezZ Flow Meter Interface

Ok, then you may want to try mine, but wait a little bit. I’m in process of updating it to remove all the stuff that’s not needed anymore for the new app.

Also, it looks like charting has stopped working on FortrezZ’s end. Even though data is still sent to their site through the DTH, no chart image is available. Perhaps the data is still used for their old subscription solution, but it’s not showing a chart anymore.

I’ll reply back when you can try my DTH after I make some changes. Stay tuned.

Thanks. That will be a great solution!

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Hi @mwmacy2,

Below is a link to a new version of my DTH for this device that works with the new app by leveraging existing power and energy capabilities. Here are several important things to know:

  • Because I’m using ST’s existing power and energy capabilities vs creating custom capabilities (for now), flow (gpm) displays in the Power Meter section as WATTS. Energy consumption (total gallons used since the last reset) used to show as kWh, but ST hosed up the capability to show in GWh. That means it won’t show up until they fix this issue. The good news is that you can still see these values in the IDE, and you can see these values and history in the mobile app within the device’s History section.

  • FortrezZ’s gpm and cumulative capabilities have been preserved so that their legacy SmartApps work.

  • The reset capability exists and can be called by a SmartApp, like my Power Meter Reset Manager app, or WebCore.

  • After installing my DTH and changing the device to use it, you must go to the device’s settings in the mobile app and configure 3 settings: Debug Mode, Reporting rate (6 = 60 seconds, 1 = 10 seconds. Options are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6), and High flow rate threshold.

  • After installing this DTH and changing the device, you will want to force close the app and restart for things to show up right. For some reason that did not work for me and I had to remove and rejoin the device, which is a PITA. If you go this route, remove FortrezZ’s DTH, or comment out the line in their code with “fingerprint”. I believe it’s line 36.

I can’t think of anything else offhand right now that you should be aware of, so let me know how it goes if you decide to try this out.


Screenshot of the device in the new app:


Hi John,

Thanks for sending the new DTH. I installed it with no problem. I then was able to add the device using the mobile app, with no problem. The new device showed up on the mobile app, and I filled out all the info you mentioned. I then set the threshold very low and ran water to test it. No matter how long I ran the water, there was no alert sent and the energy and power consumption continued to show “0”.

Any idea as to what went wrong?


PS: Here are screenshots. They don’t look the same as the one’s you sent.
Also, I added the FMI device using the IDE with the DeviceNetworkID of 0x2101. When I tried to add the device using the mobile app, the only “suggested” devices were the water valve, moisture sensor, and siren. The FMI was not an option. So that is why I used the IDE to add the device.

Hi @mwmacy2, you’re going to want to start over. You shouldn’t provide your own ID for zwave/zigbee devices like these because that won’t work, and you didn’t need to discover the device again since it’s already there. All that needed to be done is to have changed the DTH of the existing device.

The big question now is did you delete/remove the device from ST before trying to add it and changing the DNI?

If the device was never removed before giving it that new ID, try giving it the old DNI back again. If you don’t remember what that was, watch your hub’s event log for something like this:


The device is still “talking” to ST via the original DNI, and in the example above, it’s 07. If you have many of those events with different DNI’s then you have some work on your hands. You’ll need to figure out which is which by turning on some water and refreshing your event log to try and correlate the meter sending something to the hub and one of those events.

Once you figure that out and give the device it’s original DNI again, you should be able to go back to the mobile app and set things back up again. It technically should now work, but quite honestly things by now may be beyond repair and you want to just start completely over again.

If you don’t remember the old ID and you can’t figure it out, then you will want to remove the device from ST and start fresh. You won’t be able to delete the original DNI from your mesh since you don’t know it (it’s now a ghost device in your mesh), which means all you’ll be able to do is delete the DNI of the one you created. Go ahead and do that anyway. To completely remove the device from ST and your mesh, you must do a general exclude. That should be done through the mobile app, or better yet, the IDE via the View Utilities section:


Once you kick that off, make sure nobody else anywhere in your house is doing anything with a device, like turning on a switch, because a general exclude will exclude that instead.

Also, bring the device (just the FMI module) close to the hub when doing an exclude. If I remember right, you’ll start the general exclude process via the IDE and then press the button on the FMI. After it excludes it will blink 4 times in a row pretty quick.

To correctly add this device to ST, you’ll want to make sure that either my DTH is the only DTH you have for this device, or edit FortrezZ’s DTH to remove that fingerprint line I mentioned in a post above so only mine is detected.

When adding the device, there will not be a suggested device. You will need to add it via the “Scan nearby” option. When you do that it will take a little bit of time for the app to recognize that you have your own DTH for this device (that’s what the “fingerprint” in a DTH does).

As soon as ST recognizes you have a DTH for this device, it will add it with the name “My FortrezZ Flow Meter” and then it will give you the option to give it a different name and move it to a Room. Once done will all that, go to the device’s setting and set things back up again.

As for those settings and how notifications work, the DTH doesn’t send any notifications. Notifications are done through Automations and SmartApps. Remember, Reporting Rate Threshold is just how often the meter reports gpm. High Flow Rate threshold is what value should the meter trigger a capability that’s monitored by an automation/smartapp.

FortrezZ’s legacy smartapps use the Water Sensor capability. It monitors a “wet” or “dry” state. When the flow rate exceeds your threshold, it changes the state of the water sensor capability to “wet”, otherwise it’s always “dry”. Their smartapp can then send you a notification. I don’t use their SmartApps, so I can’t recall how to set that up.

The other thing you can do is create a simple Automation that watches that device’s water sensor state to send you a notification, like this:

Other automations that can be done could also include watching for power usage during certain conditions or modes. Remember, this is a power meter in ST’s world, so you could create an automation that says if power usage is over 0 and your home is in Away mode (not STHM away mode), send you a notification that water is running when nobody is home.

If you want to be notified of water running to too long over a period of time, or after a certain about of usage has happened, you will want to use FortrezZ’s legacy smartapps. Their smartapps will also control a valve or switch under certain conditions.

After many trial-and-errors, I finally got it working perfectly!

Thanks again for your help!

Excellent, I was really hoping to hear that news. Glad I could help.

So, with the movement to the New App, I was having some issues getting things working. I installed the new Device Handler and most things are working but one thing remains a puzzle. On the History Tab I see Energy and Power Meter results as things change. However on the Controls Tab I do not see any Power Meter displayed. I see Battery, Energy Consumption Image Capture (Which does not work) Temperature and the Water Sensor (Dry or Wet as things change). What am I missing to get the Controls page to look like the one with the Power Meter?

The one in post 396?

Sounds like you may not be using my latest DTH, or more than likely just need to try those steps in my 5th bullet point in that same post. Sometimes just changing to any other DTH and then back again will do the trick.