FortrezZ Water Flow Meter

It’s all good. Google sheets is working again so that’s all I need. I just wanted to let you know the chart was problematic.

Thanks again!

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I appreciate the heads up. As soon as the starts working again I’ll update my Github source so this doesn’t happen again.

Same here no chart

Should i also change line 439 ?

Yup, you need to change yours too.

is a space here: // take1() or not: //take1() ?

It doesn’t matter. As long as the // is there.

//log.debug(“POST parameters: ${params}”)
try {
httpPostJson(params) { resp ->
resp.headers.each {
//log.debug “${} : ${it.value}”
//log.debug “query response: ${}”
} catch (e) {
log.debug “something went wrong: $e”
// take1()

def getTemperature(value) {
if(location.temperatureScale == “C”){
return value
} else {
return Math.round(celsiusToFahrenheit(value))
I changed here and is not working

‎1‎:‎31‎:‎55‎ ‎PM: error Read timed out @line 477 (doRequest)
c3da22df-f1e7-46cc-a101-0ba3fee118c6 ‎1‎:‎31‎:‎45‎ ‎PM: debug
c3da22df-f1e7-46cc-a101-0ba3fee118c6 ‎1‎:‎31‎:‎45‎ ‎PM: error Read timed out @line 477 (doRequest)
c3da22df-f1e7-46cc-a101-0ba3fee118c6 ‎1‎:‎31‎:‎35‎ ‎PM: debug
c3da22df-f1e7-46cc-a101-0ba3fee118c6 ‎1‎:‎31‎:‎38‎ ‎PM: error Read timed out @line 477 (doRequest)
c3da22df-f1e7-46cc-a101-0ba3fee118c6 ‎1‎:‎31‎:‎28‎ ‎PM: debug

Did you save AND publish?

Last Thursday garden hose was left on for about 20 hours and look like 10,000 gallons flow for nothing :frowning:
Should I receive some warning in email ?

yes i saved and publish


Changing that line fixes the DTH to make sure values are displayed properly in the mobile app - the main tile and all the value tiles:


It does not fix the issue with charts not showing up. That’s either an issue with ST and/or the FortrezZ site that’s hosting the chart and data. I think it’s FortrezZ’s site because those charts take much longer to come up than usual.

If a longer timeout value can be configured in the code, then that may fix the issue. I plan on looking into that this weekend.

Not directly from the DTH, but through FortrezZ’s SmartApps. Did you install and set that up? I use FortrezZ Leak Detector app, which can be found here: (the instructions can be found on their website)

Thank you I will try leak detector :slight_smile:

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@magda and @JonnyB (and anyone else)

ST’s timeout limit is 10 seconds, and FortrezZ’s site is taking much longer than that,hence the “ Read timed out” error.

@dantheman2865, I’m going to try your stock DTH, but I suspect the same error message will happen. Any ideas?

So is not only me
Thank you

I’m trying set up Leak detector smart app
I do not have valve so I just want notification of continues flow

What command should I choose ?

None. You don’t need to take any action. That section is used to turn on a light, shut off a valve, etc.

You just need Type and Minutes. You selected your meter when you launched the parent app (FortrezZ Leak Detector).

@dantheman2865. Confirmed that the FortrezZ provided DTH also throws the “ Read timed out” error.

Hi Guys, it looks like some server changes we made this week have slowed things down. Opening in the browser loads the graph in just over 13s (longer than the 10s timeout). I’ll see if I can speed things up.


Thanks Dan!

Charts are backup thanks again! @johnconstantelo and @dantheman2865