FAQ: How zwave direct association changed with zwave plus

With the new GE zwave plus switches, it’s even worse, because the company put out two different versions of the same Z wave plus model, one which was certified in 2015 and one which was certified in 2016.

The first one only supported the lifeline group.

The second one supports three association groups, which allows for direct triggering of another end device and also allows for double tap.

Same model number!

I honestly don’t know if you can tell from the box which one it is.

You can use the Z wave tweaker DTH to see exactly which association groups any specific device supports and to set them up easily. This will work with both zwave plus and older zwave devices. After you use the tweaker to view or configure a device, just change it back to its original every day DTH and any changes you made will remain In effect.

If you’ve never used a custom device type handler before, here is the FAQ for that process: