Ecolink Z-Wave plus *ALMOST* always throws duplicate messages

ok it required working with atomicState, but basically I am storing the timestamp of when I last handled an event for this device. When I go to handle a new event I look to see if it’s been at least 500ms and only send the notification if so. Final code something like this:

// handle null
  if (!atomicState.lastExecution) {
  	atomicState.lastExecution = 0
  // if we have just handled this same event within 500ms ignore it
  if (now() - atomicState.lastExecution <= 500) {
  	log.trace('too soon so skipping')
  // update state for the time we are handling the event
  atomicState.lastExecution = now()
  def now = new Date()
  def nowFormatted = now.format('EEE, MMM d HH:mm:ss Z',TimeZone.getTimeZone('America/New_York'))
  sendSms(phone1, "Your ${contact1.label ?:} was closed at ${nowFormatted}")