EchoSistant or Ask Alexa?

Thanks for clarifying what you meant. Using just your Amazon Dots you can send messages to other rooms of your home to be played back when requested, you can leave messages for family members, and even set a custom reminder.

EchoSistant is very interactive, giving you unparalleled control and feedback about your home.

A couple of examples of what you can do are:

You - Alexa, ask home to check the house.
Alexa - Your homes status is, 1 door open, 0 windows open, 35 lights on, 0 locks unlocked, and your Smart Home Monitor Status is: off , would you like anything else"

You - Alexa, ask home is the garage door open.
Alexa - Yes, the garage door is open, would you like anything else?

You - Alexa, tell home to open the garage door.
Alexa - The garage door is already open, would you like to close i instead.

And this is one of my personal favorites…

Alexa, tell home to turn off the fireplace in 10 minutes

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