Door Open Alert - does this exist?

You shouldn’t need to go through the Artik cloud to do that. The SmartThings sensor is a native device to the SmartThings hub so you can just use the SmartThings platform.

I suggest you take a look at core. That’s a very sophisticated Community created rules engine. It can do many layers of conditionals including the use case you describe.

The code is available in the author’s thread:

There is also a peer assistance thread for help in setting up pistons (core calls each individual rule a “piston”). If you browse that thread you’ll also see many examples of use cases there.

So I think you’ll find core can do everything you want. Although if I’I’ve misunderstood and you wanted to write code in the Artik cloud itself to include data from other devices, then you might need a different approach, which is why I’ve moved this thread to the developers section. But if you’re just staying within the SmartThings platform, core should be sufficient.

In future, you might also find the quick browse lists in the community – created wiki helpful for finding existing code. (The community here is great, but the forum search feature is not always helpful.)

In this case, for example, look in the smart app section at the list for “alerts and notifications” and you’ll find several choices there that might work. Since you do have a programming background, I thought I’d go ahead and mention Core first as it gives the most options although its complexity can be daunting to nonprogrammers. :sunglasses:

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