Do Device Handlers Officially Support the "updated()" method?

Some good questions. Could it be that device.deviceNetworkId is read-only? See: What Happened to deviceNetworkId?

To solve the problem of updated() running twice, I usually do something like this:

 *  updated()
 *  Runs when the user hits "Done" from Settings page.
 *  Note: Weirdly, update() seems to be called twice. So execution is aborted if there was a previous execution
 *  within two seconds. See:
def updated() {
	log.trace "updated():"

	def cmds = []

	if (!state.updatedLastRanAt || now() >= state.updatedLastRanAt + 2000) {
		state.updatedLastRanAt = now()

		// do stuff...
		return response(cmds)
	else {
		log.trace "updated(): Ran within last 2 seconds so aborting."

Follow this thread to see if we ever get an answer as to why it runs twice… Updated() being called twice?

I’m pretty sure updated() is a supported method for device handlers as it’s the main way to process settings after they’ve been changed.