[BROKEN] NST Manager v5.0 (Does Not Work Anymore)

Can you do me a favor and recopy / paste the Product ID and Product Secret into the Settings in NST Manager again? Is it possible that maybe you copied the 2 fields incorrectly? Or maybe you didn’t copy all of the characters for one or both of the fields. Do this again and be careful that you are grabbing everything from the Nest Developer fields and that when you paste into Settings, they match identically.

The error you are getting can only be encountered from having an issue with the callback url or those two fields that are used to Authenticate to Nest.

I am at a loss. I have probably tried deleting and copy and pasting 10 different times during this process to verify no erroneous characters made it in. Still the same result. I did notice that the Client ID and Client Secret when inputed into the “Settings” tab on IDE did not result in the same being populated in the OAuth. I assumed this was normal, but wanted to bring it up. Once I make these changes on the IDE side is there anything in particular I should be doing on the app side to reset the request? I found anything to be entered differently, but just in case…

No that’s fine.

I’m going to reset my token here in a second to see if I have any issues reestablishing to Nest.

I didn’t have any issues removing my connection from Nest and then resetting my token from NST Manager.

Do this:

  1. Remove the connection from the Nest Application
  2. Sign out of Nest Mobile App
  3. Turn on logging in IDE
  4. Goto NST Manager and authenticate again
  5. When you press Accept does the spinner next to accept spin for a sec and then take you to the other screen automatically? It should
  6. Take a look at the log for NST Manager in IDE
    Do you see NST Auth token generated successfully?

Also are you logging into Nest using the primary account and not a family account?

Noob question, but how do I turn on logging in IDE?


Does this tell you anything?

There is no log generated each time I try to authenticate…

Yes it does.

My question is when you pressed Accept in NST Manager, does it spin for a sec, and then remain on that page with Accept or does it take you to another Page?

Okay, so I still don’t know where the problem is, but I feel like I know where it isn’t. It is not between the Client ID and Secret. Look at screen shot 1 where I purposefully entered it wrong. Then screen 2 and 3 appears to show that the ID and Secret have linked to my Dev Account.

I spins quickly (almost imperceptibly) then stays on the page with the error message at the top. I just reset my password thinking that may help. No Joy.

To me it is seeing your Client ID and Client Secret as null so I do believe it has to do with the fields.

I just created a 2nd product in Nest Developer and input it the new I’d and secret into NST Manager. I can reproduce your problem as I can get the same error.

I believe this has something to do with it being related to errors that people have been receiving in that there is a caching issue. Even though you updated NST Manager in IDE with the client I’d and secret, the app itself isn’t seeing your saved version and is reverting to seeing those fields Null. Gimme a bit and I will see if I can get things to update where I am able to use my second product.

@tonesto7 I think we have a large scale issue impacting things between what is stored in IDE versus what is reflective in the app. Different issue but same type of behavior.

You are coming in from the Market Place, yes?

I’m doing mine from an existing installed NST Manager. The behavior is slightly different, but I can reproduce your error.

  1. I purposely went in and removed my client id and secret and updated
  2. when I attempt to login I immediately get the error in big red letters about the client id and secret.
  3. if update the client id and secret with the 2nd product I created in nest developer it will give me the oops message at the top.

You are seeing both messages when you go from market place. So what I’m seeing is that there is an issue between the product in Nest Developer and NST Manager.

Do you only have one product created in Nest Developer?

I am really only getting the Oops message. The first screen shot above was when I intentionally entered the wrong info in ID and Secret. This was to show the differentiation. Kind of a way to prove that the Client ID and Se, when entered correctly, were causing a different result. I can get to the point of pressing accept, but then I get the oops message.

Yes I an coming in from the Marketplace. What do you mean “only one product created in Nest Developer”

Ok then based on what I am seeing and hearing, there is an issue between Nest Developer and NST Manager using that Product.

What does the current users show in Nest Developer?

Send screenshot like this

You can create multiple products in Nest Developer.

And then send me screenshots from Nest Developer that show permissions and then overview of the product. Do not include the product secret, id or auth url in the screenshot!

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This in is on you.

You must have typed in the callback url instead of copying and pasting from my doc.

Look at the url in your Nest Developer and correct it and then update. Then u should be good to go. :slight_smile:

You can buy me a :beer: later

@tonesto7 ignore my post earlier.

@tonesto7 there is one thing that needs to be updated in the app. See screenshot

Press “Save”

I am not sure how that happened. Thanks so much for all the help. Really. It is pretty awesome that you would take the time to help me get it running. I am happy to buy you a beer or twelve. Thanks again.

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