(Jason "The Enabler" as deemed so by @Smart)
We are happy to introduce a new utilitarian app and device handler that allows you to discover, select, and utilize your Amazon Echo Devices within the SmartThings Environment.
We are starting with a limited size Beta release to iron out any last minute issues. We are going to conduct this beta with a maximum of 20 volunteers that meet the following requirements:
Must have at least 4 Amazon Echo devices (Ex: Echo, Show, Spot, Dot, Fire Tablet: any generation should be fine)
ALL Echo devices must be on a single Amazon account
You must be willing to use your devices in automations to make announcements within your home for things like door openings, arrivals, departures, etc.
Willing to accurately describe and report all questions, concerns, issues, both negative and positive feedback via group private messaging in this community
Must make promise to not disburse any code to any one once you have access
Must NOT make any changes to code unless specifically directed by the developer
MUST follow all directions exactly and report any and all deviations from said directions
MUST be willing to keep ALL beta communication confidential
** A Lambda/AWS developer account is NOT required **
If you are interested and meet the above criteria, please comment below with your Echo information: number/type of Echo devices you will be using in the beta.
When the 20 testers limit is reached, we will begin the beta.
The second post of this thread will be used for updates to the community on the progression of the beta.
Once we have confirmed a stable product and successful beta we will release to the community
Must have at least 4 Amazon Echo devices : 8 Echo devices and 1 fire tablet available with built in Alexa.
ALL Echo devices are on a single Amazon account.
I will follow the other criteria.
(Jason "The Enabler" as deemed so by @Smart)
No, a Lambda account and AWS developer account is not required.
You have to meet the above requirements and post with your contact info and number/type of devices.