If it has to be battery powered, then there are only a couple of options, And most them only do on and off, so only two states.
1. Make your own device
Here’s a do it yourself project that one community member created. I think it matches what you are looking for, but you have to physically disassemble a smart lightbulb and put together a device, so not everyone will be interested in that kind of project.
2. Use a battery operated keypad that has a tiny status light you can turn on and off
Alternatively, If you want something where you won’t have to modify the hardware at all, some of the keypads that work with smartthings have an indicator light that you can turn on or off.
I’m not sure what current keypads are available, a lot of models have come on and off the market.
@rboy might know.
3. Ring Step Light
Another option You could consider is the ring smart lighting step light. It doesn’t have any direct integration, but it does work with Amazon echo, which means you can also trigger it from SmartThings.
You would have to put tape over its own motion sensor so motion sensing didn’t turn it on.
And you would also need to buy their bridge in order to control it.
I would think this option would only make sense if you were going to use other ring lighting products as well, but it is something to consider.