The documentation includes instructions on how to uninstall.
As explained in the documentation, you can choose the polling frequncy, from once a minute to every 30 minutes.
Bottom line - try it. If you don’t like it, delete it. You won’t break anything in the process. Hundreds, if not thousands, of ST+Ecobee users use it daily.
Thanks for all of your advice and I greatly appreciate your patience in answering my questions. The way I understood your recommendation to adjust polling (in a response you sent me a few days ago)… I thought you meant that I needed to adjust the polling on the stock ST DTH also. I did not see how to do that explained in your read me. Do I need to adjust the SThings DTH polling as well? If so, how?
Ecobee may rate limit you if you poll too frequently. My experience you can set my Suite to poll every minute without any issues. The SmartThings DTH limits you to every 3 minutes (I think) - if you run BOTH of them at the same time, you may need to reduce the polling frequency (increase the time between polls) for one or both of the DTH’s.
Once you install my DTH, I’m pretty sure you will abandon the ST one. But you have the ability to make the choice, at any time.
I’d advise you to “just do it,” taking care to follow my instructions meticulously. If something doesn’t work exactly right during the install, don’t panic. Simply back out the steps you have done, one by one, in the exact reverse order, then try again. I’ll be around most of today, so PM me if you have any issues…
If you got my last help message please ignore. I solved it via others on your threads. simply removed the “Test at start up” T Stat and Sensor (you might want to put a note in your read me about the solution).
@storageanarchy I am using an android (for what it is worth).
I have some questions, but the most urgent one is how can I get the humidity alert app that I referenced in prior email to you as follows… "have been using the stock “ST “marketplace” smart app (found in the “climate control” section) called “Humidity alert” to activate my “free standing” dehumidifier via a smart plug when ecobee humidity levels reach a certain point and turn off at another point. It has worked just fine.” NOW I can not get it to work with your suite to activate a smart outlet and turn my dehum on when ecobee senses humidity to high or off when it drops. Help!! As I said, it was working perfectly with the stock ST “ecobee connect”. I have completely removed (I think) the stock ecobee controller and (to try to troubleshoot) I (KNOW) that I removed the dehum. smart app and reloaded it (twice) but have gotten no where. You said in a prior message that (after installation) it would stillmeasily work with your suite & not be an issue, but (for whatever reason) I can not get it to. I have also sifted through your suite looking for an alternate “way to skin the cat” as they say, but found none. Help! Your fast reply would be greatly appreciated as it is getting humid in here!
Other various unrelated questions that came up during installation follow…
Under preferences - HOLD… what does “until next program” mean? is it the same as “until next scheduled activity” in the ecobee (proprietary) app?
My TStat is also showing up under “sensors”. I have already chosen it as my TStat. Do I need to choose it as my sensor also? If so, what would be the practical use of having a separate listing of the Thermostat and just the Thermostat (located) sensor?
In >automation > smartapps… what does the arrow button looking icon (on right side of ecobee suite manager app headline) used for? It looks like a youtube "play button " of some kind.
@storageanarchy I Have been trying to figure out my dehumidifier switch issue and am wondering if these Humidity / dehumid set point lines in your “device” have anything to do with the issue. I never set these points so I am wondering where they came from and if they are potentially causing my problem.
The 58% shows up in the app (but I can not change it at all and would like to be able to if it means anything). Also, is there a manual “poll” or refresh button on the interface screen anywhere like on a lot of other device interfaces? I can’t find one. If so, where?
Also, I can get your suite to shut the outlet / switch off BUT NOT ON (when the humidity is to high). Is it possible that you somehow set it up to be able to turn a humidifier on (assuming it would auto off) but left the dehumidify ON function out of your ecobee suite??? ! Help!
@storageanarchy Also, I tried to select a weather source and it would not let me without selecting some rules for an automation. Is there any way to simply select a weather source without having to do an automation? if so, where? I read the read me looking for a way but no luck.
@storageanarchy I just realized… please forgive my ignorance, but I am unsure if I have been PM ing you or not. I am not sure I know how to send a PM on here. I am actually unsure what the @ thing does at the beginning of this message… (is that how you PM… with the @?). If you are so inclined to let me know how to PM you, I would appreciate that. That being said, I have sent you a bunch of messages today and am hopeful of hearing back from you about them. I am sorry if I breached any kind of etiquette by not PMing you, just please know it was unintentional. Your replies would be greatly appreciated.
You should not need to select a weather source for the default installation- it will use the weather data supplied by Ecobee by default. There is an option to select a different source for the Smart Modes Helper app, but that does not impact the weather display on the thermostat device.
If the weather isn’t updating properly, try the “double refresh” trick - tap the Bee once, and when the double arrows disappear and the Bee re-appears, Tao the Bee again. That will cause a total refresh of the device UI.
For the humidifier app, you should select your “new” Ecobee Suite Thermostat’s Humidity Sensor as the source for turning on the dehumidifier.
I did select yours and it still does not work. It only works to turn the switch off. I am forced to run the stock ST app linked to the dehum smart app ALSO as it does work and I can’t get your suite to operate the outlet for the dehum. I was hoping I would be able to delete the stock ST ecobee DTH and solely use your suite. Please advise.
I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. You say that when my Suite Thermostat reports humidity below the setpoint in the Humidity SmartApp it does turn off the switch, but when it reports humidity above the setpoint, the app doesn’t turn The humidifier on?
Which app are you using to control the dehumidifier?