Here are a few links
This Smart App and device type allows you to use any DLNA Media Renderer to receive Sonos-like sound and voice notifications from SmartThings.
You must to install the MediaRenderer_Connect to find any Generic Media Renderer (Network Speaker)
The MediaRender Player is the device type needed to control each Media Renderer.
If you dont have a Media Renderer like Smart TV or Network Speaker with DLNA you can test it with Foobar2000 program installing de upnp commponent. The commponent allows you to convert the player in a Media Renderer (Verify your firewall do not block the foobar2000 port )
I have tried some Media Renderers, but is better if you give me a feedback of the models that works for you.
Tip : Please, just install one time the MediaRenderer Connect from the phone, If you have…
Do you want to receive Sonos-like sound and voice notifications from SmartThings but do not feel like spending several hundred dollars on Sonos? Do you have an old laptop/netbook (or any PC for that matter) gathering dust in a closet? If so, you can put it to a good use as shown in this demo:
[VLC Thing Demo: VLC Media Player Controlled by SmartThings]
“VLC Thing” is a custom SmartThings device driver that controls VLC media player and emulates Sonos audio player, making it possible to use Sonos smart apps to play sounds and voice (text-to-speech) notifications.
VLC is a free and open source cross-platform (Linux/MacOS/Windows) multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.
[Update 10/04/20…
Version 1.1.6 release announcement
(updated post 5/25/2016 with 1.1.6 release)
Have you ever wanted a talking house? Now you can! With the Big Talker SmartApp ( )
When SmartThings is paired with a compatible audio device (such as a Sonos, Ubi , LANnouncer or VLC Thing ) and Big Talker SmartApp, your house can say what you want it to say when events occur.
Currently supported events:
Time, Time of Day + Day(s) of Week
Motion, Active/Inactive
Switch, On/Off
Presence, Arrive/Depart
Lock, Lock/Unlock
Contact, Open/Close
Mode, Change (Home, Away, etc)
Thermostat, Cooling/Heating/Fan/Idle(not running)
Acceleration, Active/Inactive
Water, Wet/Dry
Smoke, Detect/Clear/Test
Button, Press
Each supported event supports 3 different gr…
Also I believe the popular smartapp Rule Machine can also be used to send custom messages to dlna / sonos devices but the guys over there would have more info.
Rule Machine is no longer available.