Hey everyone. Just recently got the ST hub and am enjoying the cross compatibility a lot.
One thing I am missing from the OSRAM app was the ability to create groups which allowed me to turn all devices on at one time. This is especially useful in the case of lighting.
When walking into a room it would be nice to have the ability to make all lights come on at one time. Is this possible? If so how?
Take a look at Rule Machine. It is a community built rules engine that allows you to do almost anything you would want to do with Smartthings. Make sure to read Bruce’s instructions at the top of the thread. There is quite a bit to read but it will make your life a whole lot easier.
If you have questions on building the logic you can post them in the following thread.
So the answer is no then? That seems really short sighted on ST part. Thanks for the info man. So how would creating a rule in rule machine allow a one push button to turn on a group of lights? Not asking you to step by step help me build out the rule but more so how the rule would do that.
No, the answer is not no… there are lots of different ways to do this… rule machine just happens to be the current best solution. The is a search button in the upper right corner feel free to see for yourself.
An actual group device no, not with osram bulbs, but can you you turn on 5 lights when you press a button or trigger a motion sensor… Yes, with smartlighting, rule machine, and several other smartapps. If you want groups you want lifx bulbs with some community love’en https://github.com/zzarbi/smartthings/tree/master/lifx
@chowder007, I use Trend Setter by Chris Kitch. This allows me to group my Hues into one device through the app. Should be possible with any dimemer bulb, switch, etc.
No solution I’ve played with causes my bulbs to actually fire simultaneously. I’ve heard good things about the community Hue connect integration though.
I think it depends on the trigger. If you want motion to turn them on then smart lights can do that. Just select all of them to turn on when there is motion.
You mentioned a button. Can’t you do the same thing? Turn all the lights on when the button is pressed? (Again, using smart lights)
On osram, you could have a group called say living room, out living room fan. Pressing that group would cause ask the lights in that group to come on instead of having to turn each bulb on one at a time. I don’t need them to all come on in unison, I just need them to all come on.
Motion sending isn’t possible right now as I don’t have any motion sensors. That is planned but will be a month or so.
@adeparker this is exactly what I am looking for. Trying to add the smart app in IDE but it is giving me the following error - No signature of method: script14555546268791496728714.metadata() is applicable for argument types: (script14555546268791496728714$_run_closure1) values: [script14555546268791496728714$_run_closure1@546566d7] Possible solutions: getMetadata(), getState(), setState(java.lang.Object), metaClass(groovy.lang.Closure)
What am I doing wrong? I am posting the code in his post word for word for the Dimmer Group Device.
So I got it installed and went to add a group and accidentally hit the back button. Now im getting “an unexpected error occurred” when trying to create a new group.
I think I need to blow it out and restart. How do I uninstall the app from IDE? In the ST app on the phone I have tried removing but it just remains. I would like to remove it from IDE but dont see a way to remove apps in the IDE.
Ok, im getting really frustrated, with myself. I figured out how to remove the app in IDE but it wont let me because it says a user has it installed but when I try to remove it from my phone it just goes back to MY APPS, and its still listed.