This is a lot easier than drilling down into each one of my scheduled routines to get them to reset. I’ll take it.
Don’t know if I should be happy or mad, but my routine got stuck and the update worked resetting the time! This is a much better solution, I just wish we didn’t have to touch anything. Thank you guys, now lets have this automated and we are all set
Now lets have automation and we would be set. Now it’s become an unautomated system that requires constant manual control.
I’m finding that it happens a LOT. I’ve now wrapped any and all unschedule requests in a try
block so I can handle the exceptions. I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out what the heck was going on.
Rule Machine now supports this feature for Rules
Rule Machine version 1.7.6 has been released, and it allows you to create automations that update individual Rules.
See this post:
This did seem to kick the Netatmo’s Connect smartapp’s butt.
I can say “butt” can’t I?
Anyway, first time I’m actually seeing an event for this device in weeks.
Is this scheduler issue the reason why pollster isn’t working any more? Because now my Nest and harms activities are not being refreshed.
[quote=“slagle, post:1, topic:38054”]
Just wanted to stop in and let ya know about a new feature we rolled out.[/quote]I have a couple of custom SmartApps that use the runEveryXMinutes commands. Except for that week where ST was completed screwed up, the apps used to run for days without stopping.
It may just be a coincidence, but ever since ST released this “new feature”, my apps have been stopping every few hours.
I’m curious to know if the problem got a lot worse for anyone else starting on the day that ST made this “enhancement”?
Hasn’t gotten any worse for me…
But it also hasn’t really gotten any better either. I’m still having a lot of problems with my scheduled jobs just dying. Thankfully the watchdog methods I’m implementing in my app seem to really be helping!
Things got worse, but not because of that. It’s been getting progressively worse for awhile.
And after a day, the Netatmo weather station is no longer registering events with SmartThings.
Oh, and most of the routines are no longer working.
In case no one noticed, this Update “feature” has degraded to the point where it works < 10% of the time. I currently have a Rule Machine rule stuck in the past. I hit Update then recheck the IDE, and it’s still stuck in the past.
The scheduler itself has degraded badly too. I have a Smart Lighting automation that has failed a lot lately. I checked it 5 minutes before it was set to fire, and sure enough, it was stuck in the past. This time hitting Update did reschedule the job, but 4 minutes later it STILL failed.
Update: The Smart Lighting automation that was stuck would not reset from the IDE or mobile app. I had to remove and recreate it.
I agree! The scheduler seems to have degraded to the point of almost being unusable. And all in just the past few days.
It’s gotten to the point that I’ve been rewriting my rules trying to eliminate and pending actions.
If it needs a timer… odds are it’s going to fail miserably.
I believe that hitting update has no effect outside of using the update within Rule itself as @bravenel mentioned in his release.
I think the reason we have the manual ‘update’ now, is because they knew it’s coming and wanted to provide a semi-quick release by having a link in ide instead of doing the ‘done’ dance.
That has not been my experience to date, though I’d agree it will have no effect on RM triggers, or loops dependent upon a virtual switch.
I’m watching Gravity on the home theater… Just a brief break… But SmartThings seems to be having a worse disaster than the space shuttle & ISS.
Perhaps we should call in Sandra Bullock?
[quote=“SBDOBRESCU, post:37, topic:38054”]
I think the reason we have the manual ‘update’ now, is because they knew it’s coming
[/quote]My thoughts exactly.
If you’re a developer or familiar with arduino and don’t mind spending about $60, I highly recommend building your own timer with a cheap arduino board and the thingshield. I only set this up yesterday, but so far I’ve had an app running at 15 minute intervals for 20+ hours without skipping a single run.
I guess I’ll add this to my list of things I need to do everyday so my “Smart” Home isn’t so goddamn stupid.