Amazon Prime Day (July 2024)

Amazon has announced Amazon Prime Day will return in July but have yet to set the dates. Amazon Prime Day July 2024

As usual: The Prime Day site for details and sales will be found at

This thread will be the place for community members to post great deals.


Yay! I love Prime Day! :heart_eyes:

In our household, we use it both to look for cool new stuff we’ve never seen before, to hopefully find great sales on things we want but don’t want to pay full price for, and also use it just to get an extra five or 10% off household staples like Batteries and our favourite shampoo. Because every little bit helps, right? :sunglasses:

We set up a separate wish list on our Amazon account and throughout the year put stuff on it that we’re tracking for the big sale days. Amazon has a feature where it will show you if the price has changed on something since you put it on your wish list or if there are any current deals. That makes it really easy to skim quickly and see anything on the list where the price has dropped. So we just check that list two or three times a day during the big sales and find the stuff we knew we wanted to buy if the price was right