Found this on web haven’t tried it yet
Yeah, that still only gives you “Amazon” or “Alexa” to choose from.
You nailed it on the head. I’m getting my idea cues from a basic alarm system that has voice notifications and chimes. until then, I’m crossing my fingers for the Google Chrome Audio product that was released not too long ago.
As for your other interaction, that would awesome as well. Would be one step closer to feeling like Tony Stark.
Custom commands shouldn’t really be that hard from a technical standpoint. I mean Ubi can already do those… could do those a long time ago. So I would expect Amazon should be able to do that.
I might be back end problems more than being able to recognize the voice command though. It could be that they don’t want to mess up the work flow of a voice command to Echo. All the extra A.S.K. stuff right now always makes you add an extra layer…
Alexa, ask [insert service] to do [request] instead of Alexa, do [request] so it could be that they are nervous about breaking the clean work flow they have with Alexa right now.
Can Amazon Echo play sounds due to SmartThings activity. e.g. Smart Home Monitoring? My thoughts, it will play a sound of a dog barking.
Short answer: no. It doesn’t have the commands for that kind of play capability. Amazon just hasn’t opened that up. A lot of people would like to see it, but it’s not there.
Longer answer: yes, if you temporarily turn it into a Bluetooth speaker and play a custom “song” but even just saying that makes it sound a lot easier than it actually is to do. There are about three different ways to make it do it, they are all difficult.
The most straightforward is to have your own server and write your own ASK application and have it like the fortune-telling one so you can ask questions and then ECHO can give your predefined answer, but however you look at it, it’s a whole lot of work compared to a system that actually has this feature like Sonos does.
So for right now, in terms of smartthings, the echo accepts VOICE input which is then parsed and passed to SmartThings, it does not accept output from SmartThings.
Write to Amazon, tell them you want to see the feature. They’re adding it will be the easiest way all around
It’s odd because this is one area where Ubi is way ahead of Alexa. With Ubi you can:
Setup custom lessons such that when I say [insert custom phrase here] Ubi will do [insert custom action here].
Setup custom phrases such that when [insert specific condition, like a light turning on or a person coming home] then have Ubi say [insert custom phrase here].
Pass custom text to to Ubi through a httpGet command and have Ubi speak that.
These are features that really make it a much more dynamic two-way street between voice and SmartThings. If these things could be added to Echo, it would be nearly perfect.
So, if Ubi can do these things and Echo can’t, why aren’t I just using Ubi? Well, notice above were I said: “…is one area where Ubi is way ahead of Alexa”? It would probably have been better to say: This is the ONLY area where Ubi is ahead:
- Ubi’s speakers are much worse than Echo’s.
- Ubi’s mics are horrible compared to Echo’s.
- Ubi’s number of false positives (for me at least) are typically about 2-4 per night. Echo’s so far after a month of use: Zero.
- Echo’s tie in to music service is far superior
- Echo’s ability to understand me is much, much better.
Echo is the far superior product right now in every area except in customization of commands and responses.
Already submitted a request to Amazon for voice response integration to SmartThings alerts/triggers.
I just received my Echo and had it up and running in Smartthings in about 20 mins total. I have to say I am VERY impressed with the integration already and the voice recognition on the Echo is extremely impressive. I am easily able to speak to it from an adjacent room and the Echo picks it up and responds without issue.
I am eagerly awaiting further integration with Smartthings. It would be great to have the Echo be able to provide status updates or speak Smarthings alerts as well.
I am REALLY hoping we can get some form of Chromecast Audio integration as well, this device is close to being a true home assistant and I love it.
Honestly, out of everything cool Echo does… not having an audio out is the worst. I added my own 3.5mm plug, but it is only mono.
@Mihos Any possibility you could post a step-by-step tutorial? I would love to add a Bluetooth transmitter to my Echo for my existing ceiling mounted speakers
Amazon released Alexa/Echo 1 year ago today. Wish Alexa happy birthday. She has few different responses.
Comments below the teardown go into adding a mini jack.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Current Device Deals & Best Prices
IFTTT added a pretty awesome new Trigger for the Echo that opens up a lot of possibilities
“Alexa, trigger Boom!”
This is what I have really liked about Echo from the beginning. It works, it keeps working, and they just keep adding more stuff.
This is beyond awesome. Now you can pretty much initiate anything that has an IF channel from alexa…
Loving this…will have to see what I can get into this weekend!
Indeed. Including, btw, Harmony. No virtual switches needed, no synch issues.
Or anything that can receive webhooks via the Maker channel. The possibilities are almost endless