Adding external temp sensor to zooz 4 in 1

Hi everyone,
so i have been looking around for a way to keep tracking of my water temp and cant seem to find a device (z wave or wifi that can work with smartthings). If you guys know what i can use to keep track of temp for water please let me know.

However, i was thinking if there is a way to attach an external Temperature Sensor to a zooz sensor. I opened it up and below is a photo of the inside of it. I was wondering if anyone knows if i can solder a sensor to the inside of it and if it will work or not?
i know the Fibaro 857934005119 door / window sensor has inputs for it but that is sold out and i cant find where to buy it from.
please help me if u can, really need a way to track water temps in my hydroponics garden as the summer approaches.

Link to Fibaro

Link to external sensor

Hi! You wouldn’t be able to connect the temperature sensor to the Zooz ZSE40 in a way you would to the Fibaro sensor unfortunately. Soldering anything on to the sensor would also void the warranty so we don’t recommend experimenting on it.

We’ll look into a way of bringing some more of the Fibaro sensors in within the next couple of weeks. We’ll keep you posted!

I have a Qubino Flush 1D controlling my hot water circulation pump and have the external temperature sensor taped to my hot water line to monitor the temp. Works well.

please post here if u bring in some fibaro sensors that have the option to add external temp sensor.
Thank You

Yes, we will for sure, stay tuned!

Hi everyone, we just added some Fibaro door sensors that accept the external temperature sensor, click here to visit the listing. They’re all open box units (fully tested, covered under warranty) with limited availability.