Accelerometer in the SmartThings/Samsung Multipurpose Sensor too sensitive?

If it works with SmartThings, it should work with SharpTools / Tasker… I have a few multipurpose sensors, but haven’t really used them for anything, so I can’t speak to their intricacies.

For SharpTools (or really any other SmartApp), you could either subscribe to the acceleration state to determine if the device is active or inactive as reported by the device or as Terry and Mike both alluded to, you could subscribe to the threeAxis attribute and then parse out the X, Y, Z values and add your own logic for determining active motion.

With SharpTools, this would most likely be achieved in Tasker. I suppose you could subscribe to the threeAxis and then use the Thing State event plugin to react anytime a new data value came in. You could do some simple math to get the difference in value between the current value and the last value to determine if it went over your threshold.

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