Yeah, I don’t think what you want is possible unless you write your own custom DTH and SmartApp. I’ve never seen anything like this.
And each device gets one tile…so what you are talking about is 3 devices. And the only way devices talk to each other is through a smartapp. So, you would need to have something in the background doing the controlling.
Plus, when you say “dynamic labels” what exactly do you mean?
If i might suggest, why don’t you tell us what functionality you are trying to accomplish rather than asking how to implement the solution that you’ve come up with? There might be a different way of doing the same thing that you’re trying to accomplish that would be a lot simpler.
I have 3 tiles that get weather based on zip codes that I have set up in preferences
If I press tile “loc1” it gives me weather for that zip code. Like wise for the other 2 tiles. I can change the icon based on state. Loc1 active =icon1. Loc1 inactive = icon2
However the only way to get my desired labels is to hardcore the name. I would prefer to have the ability in preferences to assign a name to the label for each tile.
Like I said, if I use ${currentValue} I can make eitherthe label dynamic or the icon not both. If there was a way to assign the label to ${currentValue} and the icon to ${name}. I would be good.
If you create a variable for the zipcode, you could then create a smartapp to send the zipcode to the DTH
I think this should be possible and would be the way I would go