Doesn’t this just put the zigbee radio into a general inclusion mode? I could try with my 2nd gen show and a spare zigbee Sensor, but I believe you just say that to Alexa and then pull the tab on the battery for the sensor. Zwave can work the same.
Zwave prior to S2 cannot work the same yet: as a security feature, it currently requires individual manipulation of each device being included, usually a button press pattern.
With zigbee simple set up, you just have to power on the device.
It varies by brand and model, but most models prior to S2 require the physical manipulation.
One of the purposes of the S2 upgrade is to allow commercial installers to more easily do bench pairings before the devices are shipped out to the customer.
I’m not saying zwave will never get there, I’m just saying they’re not there today for most of the devices being sold.
Z-Wave devices in the S2 framework are uniquely authenticated to the network using QR codes (two-dimensional barcodes) or pin-codes. In addition, AES128 encryption is used for another level of communication security. Secure communication between devices is achieved through Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key agreement protocol which makes it impossible to decipher the network key. Cloud communication is secured through a Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.1 tunnel. The result is a framework resistant to common hacking techniques such as Man in the middle and brute force hacks.
While also being easier for the person doing the install.
If all of that seems confusing, what it means is that every device which is not already joined to a network automatically starts at power on in inclusion mode. So you no longer have to put it into inclusion mode. But this is only S2 devices.
Nice try, but Ring ( now owned by Amazon) is using Zwave’s new S2 security framework for their battery operated sensors for their new, very popular ring security system. The reason is simple: Zwave S2 is UL listed for security and nonproprietary zigbee is not. In fact, Z wave was the first mesh network to be UL listed for security. So suddenly, Z wave has a whole new life, including with Amazon, for security systems. One thing about home automation right now: everything keeps changing.